Hi Dylan I have been watching your videos for awhile now and I feel like I have grasped a decent amount of information on the use of steroids. I'm 25 currently 5'9" 185 lbs and around 13-14% body fat. I have been lifting since about the age of 16 and have taken short breaks from lifting from time. Currently been on my longest break from lifting of about 4 month(was down 2 months with a broken wrist) I'm going to start lifting again and was thinking about doing my first cycle but I want to do it safely. I eat clean and would like to put on some significant gains while also cutting. I would like to run 400mg/w of test cyp + 600mg/w of eq for roughly 18 weeks. With week 17-18 starting my hcg. Now one question I had was I heard you right by saying take aromasin as needed during cycle? Only if gyno starts to appear? I'm not currently very familiar with hcg but I'll definitely do some more research before ordering anything. And then obviously when hcg is complete 2 weeks prior to last injection I would start my pct. I found your pct package on your website and the (sweet spot) dosages and I will for sure go with your product.
I guess what the point of this email is to find out what your thoughts are on this cycle and if you had any suggestions for me. I'm always willing to learn and obviously I want be safe about it. Btw keep up with the great videos and we all appreciate all your knowledge. I can't imagine how many people you have saved by guiding them down the proper way to go about this. Thanks again Dylan and I hope to hear back from you soon.
Also I have no sign of gyno, never had any sign of acne and I have a full head of hair with no family members with any sign or hair loss
I guess what the point of this email is to find out what your thoughts are on this cycle and if you had any suggestions for me. I'm always willing to learn and obviously I want be safe about it. Btw keep up with the great videos and we all appreciate all your knowledge. I can't imagine how many people you have saved by guiding them down the proper way to go about this. Thanks again Dylan and I hope to hear back from you soon.
Also I have no sign of gyno, never had any sign of acne and I have a full head of hair with no family members with any sign or hair loss