
First Cycle Test Prop and Anavar


New member
Age: 28
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175
Body fat %: 18
Years of training: 5
Goals: Cut Body Fat and Lean Muscle Gain
Supplements: MultiVitamins, FishOil, Protein (Whey, Casein), Blackseed Oil With Honey
Injury/Disease: Celiac Disease

Meal 1: Morning Shake (1/2 Cup Oatmeal, Banana, 2 Eggs (Raw), 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter, Protein Powder, Almond Milk), Green Tea with Ginger
Snack: Apple, Greek Yogurt
Meal 2: Chicken Breast, 1 Cup Rice, 1 Cup Broccoli
Snack: Can of Tuna
Meal 3: Chicken Breast, 1 Potato, 1 Cup Superfood Salad (Kale, Spinach, etc.)
Snack: Protein Shake
Meal 4: 1 Cup Lean Ground Beef, 1/2 Cup Rice, 8-10 Green Beans - Salmon Fillet, 1/2 Cup Rice, 8-10 Green Beans (Alternate Meals EOD)
Meal 5: Casein Protein Shake

I eat more carbs because of Celiac Disease, if I don't I feel hungry more often.

Weight Training:
Full-Body 3 times a week with Morning Cardio 20-40mins
Abs/Cardio Non-lifting days
Sunday Rest Day

Cycle Information: First and Only
Week 1-8: Test Prop 100mg EOD
Week 1-8: Anavar 40mg ED
Week 1-8: Arimdex 0.25mgs - 0.50mgs ED
Week 1-8: HCG?

PCT: 3 days after last injection
Week 1-4: Nolva - Dosage?
Week 1-4: Clomid - Dosage?

I was wondering if someone could help me out with the dosages for my PCT and whether I should add HCG during my cycle, if so at what dosage.

Listen to NY body fat is way over for using steroids. Anavar isn't going to "shed" your fat. Get everything in check before starting a cycle it isn't going to go well.
drop 10lbs of Body Fat and gain 5lbs of'll be good to go

diet and training are your foundation...the tough love is..if you have been training 5yrs and these are your stats...your training and diet is WAY off

Even if you just dieted down 10lbs...your frame wouldn't be in condition for need to learn how to add muscle effectively BEFORE steroid use
I'll say this, your diet doesn't look like that of a guy who is 18%bf. How long you been on that diet? And is the cardio only 3 times a week with your workouts or every day but Sunday? I think if you had all the same stats and came back at 14% most guys here would give you a pass. And, how did you determine you bf%.
Anavar sucks bro. And running such a short cycle sucks too. You won't see any results from this cycle and will simply add unnecessary risks to yourself.

Foundational fitness base
You need to get into much better shape before using steroids. Right now your bodyfat is way too high, and you are a bit low on lean mass as well.

You need to stay away from steroids for a while. Sarms are a great alternative, which I'd be happy to help you set up, but no steroids for now bud
hey bro.. i will give you this... your diet looks pretty on point but there's no way you could have been on that long at 18% body fat... how long have you been on it? how long have you been doing the workout you have been doing? you need to get your body fat down a good 5% at least before you consider starting this cycle.. you may want to look at sarms in the mean time to help you get to where you need to be at a much more rapid rate.. start by reading my articles here...

let me know and im happy to help you set up a sarms stack...
I appreciate the replies and I think you may be right but my diet was pretty consistent, however for the past 2 months months or so it's been really off basically since the holidays gained like 10 pounds. Also, I've been half assing the gym since then too; I was planning on giving it a month or two to get everything on point before attempting my cycle. I just had some extra cash so I wanted to get everything now just in case something comes up in the next month or so.

For my body fat, a buddy of mine used this little clamp like thing to determine the %, but most if not all my fat is in the stomach region. I'm usually fairly lean when my diet is on point, and the Celiac disease sort of helps with that too.

Do you think if I follow this diet to a T, and train full body every other day with morning cardio for 20-40 mins on training day I should be good within the next two months? Morning cardio is going to be skipping, and on off days Insanity: Pure Cardio in the am and P90x abs in the pm. I can't do boring normal treadmill or track cardio, I feel it doesn't do much compared to engaged cardio.
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