im about to do my first sarms cycle. i am thinking of doing lgd-4033 and rad-140 for 12 weeks both on the normal doasage to help bulk. is this okay for my first sarms cycle? could i be able to stack another sarm on top of it? and what should i take for mini pct?
im about to do my first sarms cycle. i am thinking of doing lgd-4033 and rad-140 for 12 weeks both on the normal doasage to help bulk. is this okay for my first sarms cycle? could i be able to stack another sarm on top of it? and what should i take for mini pct?
1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg per day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
9-12 tongkat ali