
First cycle age 43 female


New member
Dosage for female 43?
Using MK2866 - 25mg/ml & GW501516 - 10mg/ml
Vile is 1ml so what measures should be used?
Dosage for female 43?
Using MK2866 - 25mg/ml & GW501516 - 10mg/ml
Vile is 1ml so what measures should be used?

If you got them from sarmsx ,the MK-2866 is a half dropper & the GW is a full dropper dosed once a day.
Dosage for female 43?
Using MK2866 - 25mg/ml & GW501516 - 10mg/ml
Vile is 1ml so what measures should be used?

Where are your sarms from? If those are the concentrations you have they are NOT from sarmsx, which worries me.....especially since you are female. There are a lot of companies out there selling bunk products, and many that are putting prohormones in the bottles instead of sarms. Nothing I would risk at all. I would get rid of those and get on a cycle from which I'll be happy to help you set up if you tell me what your current stats and goals are
I'm in the UK so mine are not sarms x. But a company called research chem. I've done a whole load of research and these are the best over here.
I'm with Rick.. You should really consider not taking those SARMS if their not from SARMSX. It's amazing how many people think they are taking SARMS but really taking Pro Hormones which will jack a female up big time. My wife is taking SARMSX MK2866 right now and loving it.
How would you know if they not legit? Also it would take an age to get them sent from us. And is it safe?
How would you know if they not legit? Also it would take an age to get them sent from us. And is it safe?

SarmsX ships to UK. It might take a week or two to delivery. The only way to know if your product is legitimate is trying it. I wouldn't take that chance. Virilization can be permanent.
How would you know if they not legit? Also it would take an age to get them sent from us. And is it safe?

I really can't tell you what to expect from your source for sarms, because there are so many shady companies out there.

Sarmsx has some of the fastest and best shipping out there, and ship to the UK without issue from customs pretty much daily. They have a ton of UK customers, so no worries whatsoever ordering and shipping to you
We don't know they arnt legit. They very well could be a great product.

Dosing should theoretically be the same.

My gf did 25mg Ed of MK2866 and 20mg Ed of GW. She had awesome results.

That's the best I can do on this one.
Thanks guys. That's a lot of help. The correct the name of the company I brought from researchsarms. All the reviews and forums are really positive. Even anow undercover test from the BBC. The problem I have is little or no information for women. All you guys love to chat sarms, but women where are you???!!! Would be awesome to got some info for the females.
40+newbee, I live in scotland and I got a delivery from sarmsx within 12 days so it's not to long and the customer service u get and the quick email replies from Justin are second to none, u won't b disappointed trust me, I was also going to get sarms from research chem (researchsarmsuk) but they only seemed to do a few products so I didn't bother
Thanks guys. That's a lot of help. The correct the name of the company I brought from researchsarms. All the reviews and forums are really positive. Even anow undercover test from the BBC. The problem I have is little or no information for women. All you guys love to chat sarms, but women where are you???!!! Would be awesome to got some info for the females.

If you look on here you'll find a few logs of women using pure essence/sarmsx sarms. Myself..TxChick...and sarala..we have all posted up on this board.

Thanks guys. That's a lot of help. The correct the name of the company I brought from researchsarms. All the reviews and forums are really positive. Even anow undercover test from the BBC. The problem I have is little or no information for women. All you guys love to chat sarms, but women where are you???!!! Would be awesome to got some info for the females.

For the two sarms you have the dosing should look like this

1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
Thanks guys. That's a lot of help. The correct the name of the company I brought from researchsarms. All the reviews and forums are really positive. Even anow undercover test from the BBC. The problem I have is little or no information for women. All you guys love to chat sarms, but women where are you???!!! Would be awesome to got some info for the females.

I'm a 50+ woman & I just started the triple stack and hope to provide some updates through my build & cut. I took 2016 off to build for 2017 season. At my age I didn't want to go the AAS route but needed something to help me especially since i have joint issues & also menopausal as well. Like you I am also interestedly in how my fellow iron sisters are responding to SARMS.

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I'm a 50+ woman & I just started the triple stack and hope to provide some updates through my build & cut. I took 2016 off to build for 2017 season. At my age I didn't want to go the AAS route but needed something to help me especially since i have joint issues & also menopausal as well. Like you I am also interestedly in how my fellow iron sisters are responding to SARMS.

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Your feedback on how everything goes for you would be much appreciated for sure, and I'm sure many of our female members would love to hear about your experience with the triple stack

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I'm a 50+ woman & I just started the triple stack and hope to provide some updates through my build & cut. I took 2016 off to build for 2017 season. At my age I didn't want to go the AAS route but needed something to help me especially since i have joint issues & also menopausal as well. Like you I am also interestedly in how my fellow iron sisters are responding to SARMS.

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HI There figureMaster,
I am almost finished with my very first SARMS cycle. Im on the 11th weeks now but will probably extend 2 more weeks. The changes I got from it has been amazing. The SARMS really help me reached my goals and plus some more. Notable changes for me was MASS and measurements. Started the 9th weeks, my muscles even get harder. Just one of the example, I went from 13.25 arm measurement to 15.65 not pumped. I'm 5'3 3/4 and my weight now is at 151. Good news is I look the same or even "bigger" on pic. I am off season so I didn't do HIIT. The ease of use for me is a no brainer too. I am scary cat when it comes to needles lol. My joint pain disappeared at W4-W6.
You probably know the US women's size clothing---I went from size 10 for top to size 16, due to shoulders and arms. Pants went from size 4 to size 8(with waist alteration because I still have a size 4 waist), my quads have substantially grown.
Again people may react differently, i got people asking me at the gym what kinda gear I'm taking; they're all pissy when I said "just sarms" Just by judging with people around me have taken I reckon my gains is also influenced by my genes. However I plan on repeating the cycle to keep adding lean body mass for this 2 years.
By the way I took the triple stack and then add SR 9009.
Again this being said, you also cannot neglect the training and nutrition. I eat clean all year long and have training program that I change every 3-4 months or so.

HI There figureMaster,
I am almost finished with my very first SARMS cycle. Im on the 11th weeks now but will probably extend 2 more weeks. The changes I got from it has been amazing. The SARMS really help me reached my goals and plus some more. Notable changes for me was MASS and measurements. Started the 9th weeks, my muscles even get harder. Just one of the example, I went from 13.25 arm measurement to 15.65 not pumped. I'm 5'3 3/4 and my weight now is at 151. Good news is I look the same or even "bigger" on pic. I am off season so I didn't do HIIT. The ease of use for me is a no brainer too. I am scary cat when it comes to needles lol. My joint pain disappeared at W4-W6.
You probably know the US women's size clothing---I went from size 10 for top to size 16, due to shoulders and arms. Pants went from size 4 to size 8(with waist alteration because I still have a size 4 waist), my quads have substantially grown.
Again people may react differently, i got people asking me at the gym what kinda gear I'm taking; they're all pissy when I said "just sarms" Just by judging with people around me have taken I reckon my gains is also influenced by my genes. However I plan on repeating the cycle to keep adding lean body mass for this 2 years.
By the way I took the triple stack and then add SR 9009.
Again this being said, you also cannot neglect the training and nutrition. I eat clean all year long and have training program that I change every 3-4 months or so.


That's fantastic news! I plan to add the SR 9009 to my triple stack during my prep. I've been with my coach for 3 yrs and although I could go it alone I like having him around to provide honest feedback and help me change my plan when needed. I check in every other week with weight, measurements & photos. We follow a flexible approach so I tend to stick to my food plan whether eating above or below maintenance. Love being able to sub food out when I want to - keeps me compliant.

No cardio at all for me during this build. My coach's philosophy is to be able to eat & grow without cardio & that fat loss is driven by diet first then weights & cardio last. No SS cardio just HIIT & metabolic circuits when needed.

Hope to see more ladies chime in here with their experience using SARMS..

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