Hey guys, just looking for some input from experienced enthusiasts. Here's my stats off the bat 22y/o, 5'8, 170 lb, 11-12% bf. I'm aware that it's not recommended to try compounds out at this age, I'm fully aware of the risks involved, ice educated myself since I was 15 in the gym, had a coach write out my first diet, and I've taken it from there on out. Recently had a blood panel done and everything checks out, except my CK. I tested 1500-1561 the first two blood tests, and was admitted until it was brought down. Was informed that I had Rhabdo and the amount of water (2gal/day) I was drinking was bringing my sodium levels to 119-121 when the bottom they should be is 135. Everything is back to normal and I've learned so much more, and feel as if I've come along way in this lifestyle. I only want to run test my first cycle as I feel anything more, will create a shock and damage my body. I would like to run
Test cyp 400mg (twice a week @ 200mg each pin) - week 1-10
HCG last 4 weeks of pinning test (not positive how much yet) 6-10
PCT- And this is where I'm stuck
PCT Nolva (clomid maybe?)
Day 1-3 @ 60mg
Day 4-11 @ 40mg
Day 12-21 @ 20mg
Test cyp 400mg (twice a week @ 200mg each pin) - week 1-10
HCG last 4 weeks of pinning test (not positive how much yet) 6-10
PCT- And this is where I'm stuck
PCT Nolva (clomid maybe?)
Day 1-3 @ 60mg
Day 4-11 @ 40mg
Day 12-21 @ 20mg