
First Cycle, Advice Very Welcome


New member
Very new to this but I thought better late than never. I will be attempting my first cycle April 4th. Never cycled before or used hormones. Some background, 60 yr. old and have been an athlete my entire life. Have been into the weight rm. since I was 15 and started playing HS football. I train very hard 4-5 X's wk for 1-1 1/2 hrs. Split body parts at times other times total body work one day cardio the foll than a rest day. I need a bit more time to recover at my age ,wait till you get there!! I do keep up with the younger crowd at the gym however and they are pretty impressed at my ability for my age.
I am 5'9" , 175 # body fat ~ 12% ,no meds ,never smoked , excellent diet.

My goals are to gain strength ( up to 10-15% ) over my baseline, gain at least 10# of solid , lean tissue, and maybe get the mojo (libido) where it was a few years back!!.

Hoping to do a 10-12 week cycle.

I was planning on Test E 250 2X/wk , add aromasin throughout the cycle.

I also will be following protocol w/ PCT of clomid and nolva.

Based on the above does this sound appropriate ?? Appreciate the forum's feedback. Thanks in advance.
For your goals, I'd definitely say your layout is a good one. Aromasin 12.5mg EOD or every 3 days should work fine. Get pharma grade if you can. For libido at your age, definitely add proviron at 25mg a day and go up to 50mg if needed. A low dose of primo also comes to mind for that extra recovery and strength you might be looking for, both of these will surely enhance the cycle.

MK-677 also comes to mind since at your age I'm sure your natural growth hormone levels are pretty low. You may want all the help you can get. I know this is a first cycle, but these compounds are known to have a minimum of negative side effects.
Welcome bud. Sounds like you're in the right mind set for this. A 12 week cycle would be solid. You're right in wanting to do test only. You want to take it slow introducing compounds to your body so you can see how you respond. Absolutely get bloodwork done before you start as a baseline. You don't need 500mg each week to begin. I would say that is a higher dose than necessary. For a first cycle, when your receptors are fresh, you can get huge benefits from a lower dose while limiting sides. Here is an example cycle for you that I think would be a good introduction and I believe as long as your training and nutrition is up to par, you can reach and exceed your goals:

Weeks 1-12 Test Ent 250-350 mg week
Weeks 1-14 Aromasin 12.5 mg eod
Weeks 11-14 HCG 1000 ius week

PCT Weeks 15-18

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Aromasin 12.5 mg eod
MK-2866 25 mg ED
GW-501516 20 mg ED
Very new to this but I thought better late than never. I will be attempting my first cycle April 4th. Never cycled before or used hormones. Some background, 60 yr. old and have been an athlete my entire life. Have been into the weight rm. since I was 15 and started playing HS football. I train very hard 4-5 X's wk for 1-1 1/2 hrs. Split body parts at times other times total body work one day cardio the foll than a rest day. I need a bit more time to recover at my age ,wait till you get there!! I do keep up with the younger crowd at the gym however and they are pretty impressed at my ability for my age.
I am 5'9" , 175 # body fat ~ 12% ,no meds ,never smoked , excellent diet.

My goals are to gain strength ( up to 10-15% ) over my baseline, gain at least 10# of solid , lean tissue, and maybe get the mojo (libido) where it was a few years back!!.

Hoping to do a 10-12 week cycle.

I was planning on Test E 250 2X/wk , add aromasin throughout the cycle.

I also will be following protocol w/ PCT of clomid and nolva.

Based on the above does this sound appropriate ?? Appreciate the forum's feedback. Thanks in advance.
I think your plan looks really solid and well laid out. I have a question though. At your age, have you done bloodwork to see where your natural leveks are? If you can sustain good natty levels at your age, I think that's awesome but just genuinely curious if you know where your leveks are since a lot of guys are on trt at your age

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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