


Guys im going to be 20 next week , i've been working out for 2 years but working 2 years heavy and diet is in check always . i bench 250 pounds for 6 reps , 400 pounds deadlift for 6 reps , squat 300 pounds 6 reps , for biceps i dont go very heavy but i surely train very very hard i have a good build but i want to get shredded , if my body fat is 10 % i weigh 80 kgs at the moment i am at 14 % bodyfat i weigh 88 kg's ..i really want to run a cycle but i dont want to fuck things down town if you know what i mean .. any professional advice to overcome all the side effects and keep my sex drive safe, thank you !!

Honda said:
Guys im going to be 20 next week , i've been working out for 2 years but working 2 years heavy and diet is in check always . i bench 250 pounds for 6 reps , 400 pounds deadlift for 6 reps , squat 300 pounds 6 reps , for biceps i dont go very heavy but i surely train very very hard i have a good build but i want to get shredded , if my body fat is 10 % i weigh 80 kgs at the moment i am at 14 % bodyfat i weigh 88 kg's ..i really want to run a cycle but i dont want to fuck things down town if you know what i mean .. any professional advice to overcome all the side effects and keep my sex drive safe, thank you !!
You need to hold off a few more years and do A LOT MORE research. Aas is not a game and its not something to just start doing because you want to get ripped. Everyone wants to be ripped but that doesn't mean steroids are the right course of action. You have a lot of growth and learning left to do at 20 with 2 years experience. You need to learn how to get to 10% without drugs before using them. You should look into sarms to help you reach your goals for right now. Leave steroids for later down the road when you actually need them.

Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk

Honda said:
thanks for that bro, appreciate your advise
No problem. I'm not trying to talk you out of doing gear, I just don't feel that now is the time for you. There is so much more left for you to accomplish before you start throwing drugs into the mix. At 20 you are primed with everything you need to grow and get lean.

Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
maybe you are right bro , the thing is im scared when i get to my leanest point natural i will have a little bit of loose skin because i was really really fat before , around 230 pounds then i lost weight dropped to 160 pounds and then i started gyming gained up to 180 pounds with 15 % BF , but now my goal is to reach 8% or 10 % BF , and have no belly at all i dont care about abs but i care more about looking fit, and i guess when i reach 8 % bodyfat when i drink alcohol or have a cheat meal like a macdonalds meal with a chocolate cake .. i wont have a problem the next day , ill just do half hour or 45 min cardio extra for that but id still be lean , but when i have a cheat meal or drink alcohol at 15 % bodyfat i wake up feeling miserable about my belly ..and now i guess its time to get some real changes and i want to lean out this month.

Honda said:
maybe you are right bro , the thing is im scared when i get to my leanest point natural i will have a little bit of loose skin because i was really really fat before , around 230 pounds then i lost weight dropped to 160 pounds and then i started gyming gained up to 180 pounds with 15 % BF , but now my goal is to reach 8% or 10 % BF , and have no belly at all i dont care about abs but i care more about looking fit, and i guess when i reach 8 % bodyfat when i drink alcohol or have a cheat meal like a macdonalds meal with a chocolate cake .. i wont have a problem the next day , ill just do half hour or 45 min cardio extra for that but id still be lean , but when i have a cheat meal or drink alcohol at 15 % bodyfat i wake up feeling miserable about my belly ..and now i guess its time to get some real changes and i want to lean out this month.
Hey brother, being leaner doesn't give you an excuse to eat McDonald's and drink alcohol. With that mindset, you'll never even get lean anyways. Those things are not what you do when you are trying to cut.

You are 20 years old, and do not need steroids right now. Your main priority should be training hard and heavy and eating right. A sarms stack would be as far as you should go. Something like this...

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW 20mg per day

PCT clomid 25/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
mK-2866 25mg per day

Get your sarms from
what is a sarms stack ? and trust me you dont know how hard i train non believe im natural in the gym takes an hour argument everyday at the gym for some guys to believe im natural , therefore if i run a cycle i know i will get in that proper shape. and whats a sarms stack ?

Honda said:
what is a sarms stack ? and trust me you dont know how hard i train non believe im natural in the gym takes an hour argument everyday at the gym for some guys to believe im natural , therefore if i run a cycle i know i will get in that proper shape. and whats a sarms stack ?
Brother, I don't mean any disrespect whatsoever, but I don't who it is that thinks you are juicing and not natural. Whoever it is needs their eyes examined. Your physique looks very normal and there's a lot more potential for natural growth.

Sarms are anabolics but not as harsh as steroids with the side effects, and don't have the shutdown with them. They are perfect for you. We have videos on them here you can check out in the videopedia section. There's no rush to jump into juice. I trained natural for over 20 years and grew a hell of a,lot bigger than you with a lot less fat NATURALLY before touching juice. My first cycle was at 36 just 5 years ago. This is a,marathon and not a sprint, and you are just way too young right now buddy.

bro im not saying im hulk aswell, im saying im too thick and wide they think im using something i weigh 190 pounds , but they probably dont know what steriods are because u probably get vascular and leaner ..and thanks for the sarms thing ill check out a video


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Honda said:

bro im not saying im hulk aswell, im saying im too thick and wide they think im using something i weigh 190 pounds , but they probably dont know what steriods are because u probably get vascular and leaner ..and thanks for the sarms thing ill check out a video

bro, you have an excellent foundation, you just need to get dialed in with everything in terms of diet and training which you will learn as you go.. your only 20 brother... you don't want to ruin yourself before you even start... you have quite some time before steroid use however you have plenty of other options and sarms are perfect for you... you can get steroid like results, without the sides, melt fat, gain muscle etc... read my articles at

i will be more than happy to put a cycle layout together for you and get you moving in the right direction!
Honda said:

bro im not saying im hulk aswell, im saying im too thick and wide they think im using something i weigh 190 pounds , but they probably dont know what steriods are because u probably get vascular and leaner ..and thanks for the sarms thing ill check out a video

You have a very nice build and foundation for your age bro. You obviously are doing some very good things, have great genetics, and are on your way to make great progress. Just give it a while before you touch the juice. Trust me when I say you don't need it right now. You are doing great without it. The sarms are a great enhancer for you at this stage, and can really help you out a lot. Then once the time comes, and you are a little bit older you can go into a cycle.
You look good bro.. I wouldn't jump the gun and listen to the guys that know their shit... SARMS are a excellent step in the right direction and produce more then satisfactory results. Be smart now, so you can continue to play the game later.
DylanGemelli said:
Honda said:

bro im not saying im hulk aswell, im saying im too thick and wide they think im using something i weigh 190 pounds , but they probably dont know what steriods are because u probably get vascular and leaner ..and thanks for the sarms thing ill check out a video

bro, you have an excellent foundation, you just need to get dialed in with everything in terms of diet and training which you will learn as you go.. your only 20 brother... you don't want to ruin yourself before you even start... you have quite some time before steroid use however you have plenty of other options and sarms are perfect for you... you can get steroid like results, without the sides, melt fat, gain muscle etc... read my articles at

i will be more than happy to put a cycle layout together for you and get you moving in the right direction!

thanks mr. dylan i appretiate that alot, i really do work very hard and lift as heavy as i can with great technique, but the thing is i use to be fat before really fat and i lost everything and started working out , ive been lifting for almost 2 years, since in only 2 years i gained alot of experience , so for that i thought running a cycle would take my physique to the next level , therefore i just got to know what a sarms cycle is , and where can i find those sarms and will i loose my gains after i stop them or i should also do pct , ANYWAY i will go to the site you posted above and read your articles , thanks alot mr gemelli really keep doin what your doin bro you will take over youtube!! great information i will share your page to my friends and fb, thanks again.
RickRock said:
Honda said:

bro im not saying im hulk aswell, im saying im too thick and wide they think im using something i weigh 190 pounds , but they probably dont know what steriods are because u probably get vascular and leaner ..and thanks for the sarms thing ill check out a video

You have a very nice build and foundation for your age bro. You obviously are doing some very good things, have great genetics, and are on your way to make great progress. Just give it a while before you touch the juice. Trust me when I say you don't need it right now. You are doing great without it. The sarms are a great enhancer for you at this stage, and can really help you out a lot. Then once the time comes, and you are a little bit older you can go into a cycle.

thanks alot mate , btw where can i find those sarms ?

Honda said:
RickRock said:
Honda said:

bro im not saying im hulk aswell, im saying im too thick and wide they think im using something i weigh 190 pounds , but they probably dont know what steriods are because u probably get vascular and leaner ..and thanks for the sarms thing ill check out a video

You have a very nice build and foundation for your age bro. You obviously are doing some very good things, have great genetics, and are on your way to make great progress. Just give it a while before you touch the juice. Trust me when I say you don't need it right now. You are doing great without it. The sarms are a great enhancer for you at this stage, and can really help you out a lot. Then once the time comes, and you are a little bit older you can go into a cycle.

thanks alot mate , btw where can i find those sarms ?
Honda said:
RickRock said:
Honda said:

bro im not saying im hulk aswell, im saying im too thick and wide they think im using something i weigh 190 pounds , but they probably dont know what steriods are because u probably get vascular and leaner ..and thanks for the sarms thing ill check out a video

You have a very nice build and foundation for your age bro. You obviously are doing some very good things, have great genetics, and are on your way to make great progress. Just give it a while before you touch the juice. Trust me when I say you don't need it right now. You are doing great without it. The sarms are a great enhancer for you at this stage, and can really help you out a lot. Then once the time comes, and you are a little bit older you can go into a cycle.

thanks alot mate , btw where can i find those sarms ?

My friend I am natty for 7 years, now I am 2 week on Ostarine and GW. Trust me, you will love it. The pump in the gym is like orgasm. You dont want to stop trainig. Energy is amazing.
Siljo3 said:
Honda said:
RickRock said:
Honda said:

bro im not saying im hulk aswell, im saying im too thick and wide they think im using something i weigh 190 pounds , but they probably dont know what steriods are because u probably get vascular and leaner ..and thanks for the sarms thing ill check out a video

You have a very nice build and foundation for your age bro. You obviously are doing some very good things, have great genetics, and are on your way to make great progress. Just give it a while before you touch the juice. Trust me when I say you don't need it right now. You are doing great without it. The sarms are a great enhancer for you at this stage, and can really help you out a lot. Then once the time comes, and you are a little bit older you can go into a cycle.

thanks alot mate , btw where can i find those sarms ?

My friend I am natty for 7 years, now I am 2 week on Ostarine and GW. Trust me, you will love it. The pump in the gym is like orgasm. You dont want to stop trainig. Energy is amazing.

GW and Ostarine are SARMS
Honda said:
RickRock said:
Honda said:

bro im not saying im hulk aswell, im saying im too thick and wide they think im using something i weigh 190 pounds , but they probably dont know what steriods are because u probably get vascular and leaner ..and thanks for the sarms thing ill check out a video

You have a very nice build and foundation for your age bro. You obviously are doing some very good things, have great genetics, and are on your way to make great progress. Just give it a while before you touch the juice. Trust me when I say you don't need it right now. You are doing great without it. The sarms are a great enhancer for you at this stage, and can really help you out a lot. Then once the time comes, and you are a little bit older you can go into a cycle.

thanks alot mate , btw where can i find those sarms ?

there is a huge sale going on right now as well so you should jump on that while you can... pm me or pureessencesarms for details
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