Hi All,
I hope this small, but very knowledgable community can answer few of my questions regarding to AAS use.
I will begin my first ever steroid cycle tomorrow, at 26 years of age. My cycle will be 500mg test ew for 12 weeks. I am planning to kickstart it with Dianabol, but to limit any possible negative sides, I plan to take it 10-20mg ed (4 weeks only). I have Arimidex at hand and PCT, that includes nolvadex and clomid.
My questions are:
1. Is the likelihood of negative sides from Dbol lessened by the fact that my dosage will be small? Is 10mg for example enough for me to take, or would it be total waste? My thinking is that since I will be shut down anyway for 12 weeks, even the small amount of 10mg benefit is more than welcome, especially since I plan to do max 1-2 cycles a year if any, in future.
2. Should I start taking Arimidex the very first day of pinning test e and taking dbol, or wait for the possible estrogen related sides to occur?
3. Will my natural production of test and fertility resume after 12 week cycle and going through pct. Should I add HCG for the final few weeks of my cycle to wake up my testies?
Any other input from your side is highly appreciated.
Thanks a lot everyone
I hope this small, but very knowledgable community can answer few of my questions regarding to AAS use.
I will begin my first ever steroid cycle tomorrow, at 26 years of age. My cycle will be 500mg test ew for 12 weeks. I am planning to kickstart it with Dianabol, but to limit any possible negative sides, I plan to take it 10-20mg ed (4 weeks only). I have Arimidex at hand and PCT, that includes nolvadex and clomid.
My questions are:
1. Is the likelihood of negative sides from Dbol lessened by the fact that my dosage will be small? Is 10mg for example enough for me to take, or would it be total waste? My thinking is that since I will be shut down anyway for 12 weeks, even the small amount of 10mg benefit is more than welcome, especially since I plan to do max 1-2 cycles a year if any, in future.
2. Should I start taking Arimidex the very first day of pinning test e and taking dbol, or wait for the possible estrogen related sides to occur?
3. Will my natural production of test and fertility resume after 12 week cycle and going through pct. Should I add HCG for the final few weeks of my cycle to wake up my testies?
Any other input from your side is highly appreciated.
Thanks a lot everyone