
Final preparations for first cycle question


As some of you already know I'm getting ready to start my very first AAS cycle of Test E 350mg - 400mg a week. I have some anavar as well (been sitting on the shelf for 3 months haha). I have some HCG on the wait so, but have few questions concerning hcg on cycle. I'm trying to stay as healthy as possible on this 8week recomp cycle with a smooth recovery.

I see some people say use HCG the same day as the first pin, and now after looking at one of Dylan's YouTube videos he said no more than 4-6wks for HCG. I actually read something similar on another board. What's is the correct protocol for HCG on a 8wk Test E/anavar cycle?

Test E 350mg
Wk 1-8

Wk 3-8 250ui (2x a week)

Edit: just realized I posted this in the wrong section. Can a admin move it please!
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Running HCG on cycle is really kind of pointless...if you're going to use it at all, it's best used to kickoff your PCT in the little break between your cycle and your PCT. No real reason to use it other than that, besides the broscience you'll find on the net that doesn't actually make sense if you do any research into its effects on a shut down pituitary system.

Also, why are you running test E for only 8 weeks? With a longer ester, pushing it out to 10-12 weeks is really optimal for the peak gains period. Your best gains will come on around the 4-5 week mark, and continue through week 12 or so. Running 8 weeks on your first cycle is going to cut you short of some of the best gains you will ever get!

We know you've trusted Titan Research to supply you with your first cycle, so as a show of thanks, we'd really like to ship you another vial of Test E to run it correctly, free of charge. This would allow you to run your full 12 weeks at 400mg and get the most out of what will likely be the best cycle you ever run. We don't care about the costs, we care about the guys running the product with our name on it, and it would be our pleasure to introduce you to world of using AAS the right way! We personally use the same products we supply to other lifters like us, and have been on the other end of scammers and bunk gear, and labs who couldn't care less about how their gear was used, and we would like nothing more than to keep you on the right track by not only using legit gear, but using it correctly!

If you need any more help with a cycle layout or PCT regimen, feel free to PM us bro, and if you're interested in the Test E vial to complete your cycle, shoot us an email. We're serious about keeping loyal customers!

Email [email protected] for a list of products and prices
Holy crap you guys are awesome!! I could cry manly tears of joy right now. I guess it really was a lot of bro science going around fogging up my mind when it comes to AAS usage. I'll definitely email you guys again just incase my info got misplaced. Going to start my first cycle off right.
As some of you already know I'm getting ready to start my very first AAS cycle of Test E 350mg - 400mg a week. I have some anavar as well (been sitting on the shelf for 3 months haha). I have some HCG on the wait so, but have few questions concerning hcg on cycle. I'm trying to stay as healthy as possible on this 8week recomp cycle with a smooth recovery.

I see some people say use HCG the same day as the first pin, and now after looking at one of Dylan's YouTube videos he said no more than 4-6wks for HCG. I actually read something similar on another board. What's is the correct protocol for HCG on a 8wk Test E/anavar cycle?

Test E 350mg
Wk 1-8

Wk 3-8 250ui (2x a week)

Edit: just realized I posted this in the wrong section. Can a admin move it please!

Moved thread for you bro

You really need to run test 12 weeks if you run long esters. 8 week is too short. If you are looking to Recomp, here is what I'd recommend. Get your SARMS and pct from

1-12 Test E 350mg per week
1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…

HCG for weeks 10-14 1000ius per week


Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK-2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED
Where did you get your test from if you don't mind me asking?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Running HCG on cycle is really kind of pointless...if you're going to use it at all, it's best used to kickoff your PCT in the little break between your cycle and your PCT. No real reason to use it other than that, besides the broscience you'll find on the net that doesn't actually make sense if you do any research into its effects on a shut down pituitary system.

Also, why are you running test E for only 8 weeks? With a longer ester, pushing it out to 10-12 weeks is really optimal for the peak gains period. Your best gains will come on around the 4-5 week mark, and continue through week 12 or so. Running 8 weeks on your first cycle is going to cut you short of some of the best gains you will ever get!

We know you've trusted Titan Research to supply you with your first cycle, so as a show of thanks, we'd really like to ship you another vial of Test E to run it correctly, free of charge. This would allow you to run your full 12 weeks at 400mg and get the most out of what will likely be the best cycle you ever run. We don't care about the costs, we care about the guys running the product with our name on it, and it would be our pleasure to introduce you to world of using AAS the right way! We personally use the same products we supply to other lifters like us, and have been on the other end of scammers and bunk gear, and labs who couldn't care less about how their gear was used, and we would like nothing more than to keep you on the right track by not only using legit gear, but using it correctly!

If you need any more help with a cycle layout or PCT regimen, feel free to PM us bro, and if you're interested in the Test E vial to complete your cycle, shoot us an email. We're serious about keeping loyal customers!

Email [email protected] for a list of products and prices

Now that's service
Running HCG on cycle is really kind of pointless...if you're going to use it at all, it's best used to kickoff your PCT in the little break between your cycle and your PCT. No real reason to use it other than that, besides the broscience you'll find on the net that doesn't actually make sense if you do any research into its effects on a shut down pituitary system.

Also, why are you running test E for only 8 weeks? With a longer ester, pushing it out to 10-12 weeks is really optimal for the peak gains period. Your best gains will come on around the 4-5 week mark, and continue through week 12 or so. Running 8 weeks on your first cycle is going to cut you short of some of the best gains you will ever get!

We know you've trusted Titan Research to supply you with your first cycle, so as a show of thanks, we'd really like to ship you another vial of Test E to run it correctly, free of charge. This would allow you to run your full 12 weeks at 400mg and get the most out of what will likely be the best cycle you ever run. We don't care about the costs, we care about the guys running the product with our name on it, and it would be our pleasure to introduce you to world of using AAS the right way! We personally use the same products we supply to other lifters like us, and have been on the other end of scammers and bunk gear, and labs who couldn't care less about how their gear was used, and we would like nothing more than to keep you on the right track by not only using legit gear, but using it correctly!

If you need any more help with a cycle layout or PCT regimen, feel free to PM us bro, and if you're interested in the Test E vial to complete your cycle, shoot us an email. We're serious about keeping loyal customers!

Email [email protected] for a list of products and prices

very nice bro... that's what i call customer service
Moved thread for you bro

You really need to run test 12 weeks if you run long esters. 8 week is too short. If you are looking to Recomp, here is what I'd recommend. Get your SARMS and pct from

1-12 Test E 350mg per week
1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…

HCG for weeks 10-14 1000ius per week


Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK-2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED

this stack is set up very strong for you... this will bring excellent results...
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