I'm still a firm believer in heavy lifting. You build with it, without it I wouldn't be where I am today size wise (minus the injuries... and injury can kiss my ass because I still own that ass), but some of my most killer workouts have happened post bicep tear. Weight + intensity + stupidity = badassery. Since changing my routine I'm fucking exhausted after each session. Don't get me wrong,I'm still going heavier than what 99% of my gym goes, but to me it's a weight I consider "heavy for them, rep out for me". The key is intensity coupled with the right exercises and lots of them. Point is I went somewhere and they had an all glass front. I saw my reflection and it was a WTF moment. Everywhere I go ppl stare, or make comments, but today I saw what they see/saw. It's good to be a big assed wobbling mofo today brothers. I can honestly say I look like I run gear... lots of gear, over a long ass time. Sheeeeyat, I'm about to seriously fuck some shit up bro's this 2 on, one off is gonna take me to another level I think. Just gotta eat, eat and eat.