
Feedback and Suggestions on my diet


Active member
Hey guys, I just started a cycle 3 weeks ago and wanted to get some advice and feedback regarding my nutrition. The goal of this cycle is to add lean mass. Prior to beginning this cycle, I spent about a year in a nice, controlled cut. I went from about 22% BF down to about 9% BF and have never been this lean in my life. I spent several months at maintenance and have now gone into a slight surplus. I am prone to gaining fat easier than most, but know I need to eat in a slight surplus to gain the lean mass I am after. I am presently eating in a surplus on training days and around maintenance on rest days. I do realize I will have to further increase my calorie intake over time.

Here is my question: Given the fact that I gain fat easy, where should the majority of my excess calories come from? Protein, Carbs or Fat? Does it really matter? Also, given the diet plan below, what advice or suggestions would you recommend?

I did my best to provide all the information below.


Age: 37
Height: 5’10
Weight: 172 lbs.
Body fat: 9-10%
Years of training: 6-7
Diet: 9 on a scale of 1-10 (Will Post Below)
Number of cycles: 1
Blood Work: Yes pre-cycle. Plan on 6 week and post as well.

Cycle Layout:

1-12 Test C 350mg (BGS)
1-6 TBol 50 mg (BGS)
1-12 AI 12.5mg EOD
1-12 S4 50 mg (Sarmsx)
1-12 LGD 10 mg (Sarmsx)
1-12 CEL Cycle Support


On Doctor Prescribed TRT 150mg

Diet (Training Days)


3 Whole Eggs
¾ Cup Egg Whites
¾ Cup Chopped Bell Peppers, Mushrooms and Onion
60g Oatmeal
75g Blueberries
3 Omega 3 Fish Oil


1 ½ Cup Non-Fat Greek Yogurt
2 Slices Ezekiel Bread
1 Cup Sliced Cucumber
1 Sliced Tomato


7oz Chicken Breast
3 Cups Grilled Squash, Zucchini, Mushrooms and Onions
200g Sweet Potato
16g Peanut Butter (Melted on Sweet Potato)

6:00pm (Post Workout)

2 Scoops Now Sports Protein
250g Banana (2 Medium)


8oz 93/7 Ground Turkey
1 Cup White Rice
120g Red Kidney Beans
3 Cups Grilled Squash, Zucchini, Mushrooms and Onions

Total Calories/Macros: 2850 Cal 260 P 320 C 60 F

Diet (Non-Training Days)

Same except I drop calories: 2500 Cal 260 P 230 C 60 F

I would greatly appreciate your thought and feedback.
Hey guys, I just started a cycle 3 weeks ago and wanted to get some advice and feedback regarding my nutrition. The goal of this cycle is to add lean mass. Prior to beginning this cycle, I spent about a year in a nice, controlled cut. I went from about 22% BF down to about 9% BF and have never been this lean in my life. I spent several months at maintenance and have now gone into a slight surplus. I am prone to gaining fat easier than most, but know I need to eat in a slight surplus to gain the lean mass I am after. I am presently eating in a surplus on training days and around maintenance on rest days. I do realize I will have to further increase my calorie intake over time.

Here is my question: Given the fact that I gain fat easy, where should the majority of my excess calories come from? Protein, Carbs or Fat? Does it really matter? Also, given the diet plan below, what advice or suggestions would you recommend?

I did my best to provide all the information below.


Age: 37
Height: 5’10
Weight: 172 lbs.
Body fat: 9-10%
Years of training: 6-7
Diet: 9 on a scale of 1-10 (Will Post Below)
Number of cycles: 1
Blood Work: Yes pre-cycle. Plan on 6 week and post as well.

Cycle Layout:

1-12 Test C 350mg (BGS)
1-6 TBol 50 mg (BGS)
1-12 AI 12.5mg EOD
1-12 S4 50 mg (Sarmsx)
1-12 LGD 10 mg (Sarmsx)
1-12 CEL Cycle Support


On Doctor Prescribed TRT 150mg

Diet (Training Days)


3 Whole Eggs
¾ Cup Egg Whites
¾ Cup Chopped Bell Peppers, Mushrooms and Onion
60g Oatmeal
75g Blueberries
3 Omega 3 Fish Oil


1 ½ Cup Non-Fat Greek Yogurt
2 Slices Ezekiel Bread
1 Cup Sliced Cucumber
1 Sliced Tomato


7oz Chicken Breast
3 Cups Grilled Squash, Zucchini, Mushrooms and Onions
200g Sweet Potato
16g Peanut Butter (Melted on Sweet Potato)

6:00pm (Post Workout)

2 Scoops Now Sports Protein
250g Banana (2 Medium)


8oz 93/7 Ground Turkey
1 Cup White Rice
120g Red Kidney Beans
3 Cups Grilled Squash, Zucchini, Mushrooms and Onions

Total Calories/Macros: 2850 Cal 260 P 320 C 60 F

Diet (Non-Training Days)

Same except I drop calories: 2500 Cal 260 P 230 C 60 F

I would greatly appreciate your thought and feedback.

okay, i am basing this off the fact you said you gain fat easy.. for percentages, go with 55-60% protein, 25-30% carbs and 10-15% fats..

a few things i would drop will be listed... you have a pretty good plan going... a few tweaks need made..

i would highly recommend using real egg whites and not the ones in a carton... read up on them and you can understand why they are not so good for you...

cut it to 2 whole eggs and 5 egg whites...

what kind of oatmeal are you eating?

get rid of the ezekiel bread and replace it with something else...

drop the sweet potato, add more veggetables or rice...

you can use peanut butter on your oatmeal... trust me on that one...

dont have two bananas, keep it to one

now sports protein is not so good on quality.. i would get a higher quality... check out they have very high quality and you can customize it...

get leaner ground turkey... jennie o makes a leaner type or go with ground chicken... mix in fish as well... pork tenderloin is another nice one

kidney beans have a lot of sodium, i would think twice about those as well...

if you look at my cycle log, i have my diet posted in there and that can help with ideas..!-new-log-dylan-gemelli-11728.html
i have oatmeal everyday and the last thing i do is drizzle melted peanut butter over the top but you can't over do it...
Uhhh... yeah for sure. Don't put peanuts in it too bro. I've definitely overdone it before. Mix a tbs of peanut butter in the oatmeal with half a serving of peanuts, then put more peanut butter on top. Jesus Christ...
Uhhh... yeah for sure. Don't put peanuts in it too bro. I've definitely overdone it before. Mix a tbs of peanut butter in the oatmeal with half a serving of peanuts, then put more peanut butter on top. Jesus Christ...

clearly overdoing it and not beneficial for the op... just stick to doing things in moderation and enjoying them as you can..
Yeah I don't do that often... lol that's a lot of fat content. It's a once in a while thing man I only really throw peanut butter in oatmeal if I'm falling behind on fats for the day or I know I won't have time for one of my scheduled meals later in the day. If I do put peanut butter in my oatmeal it's not very often. But once in a while I definitely go overboard when I do.
Yeah I don't do that often... lol that's a lot of fat content. It's a once in a while thing man I only really throw peanut butter in oatmeal if I'm falling behind on fats for the day or I know I won't have time for one of my scheduled meals later in the day. If I do put peanut butter in my oatmeal it's not very often. But once in a while I definitely go overboard when I do.

i only really use peanut butter and olive oil for my fats so i obviously have to use a bit more but i can control it... =)
okay, i am basing this off the fact you said you gain fat easy.. for percentages, go with 55-60% protein, 25-30% carbs and 10-15% fats..

a few things i would drop will be listed... you have a pretty good plan going... a few tweaks need made..

i would highly recommend using real egg whites and not the ones in a carton... read up on them and you can understand why they are not so good for you...

cut it to 2 whole eggs and 5 egg whites...

what kind of oatmeal are you eating?

get rid of the ezekiel bread and replace it with something else...

drop the sweet potato, add more veggetables or rice...

you can use peanut butter on your oatmeal... trust me on that one...

dont have two bananas, keep it to one

now sports protein is not so good on quality.. i would get a higher quality... check out they have very high quality and you can customize it...

get leaner ground turkey... jennie o makes a leaner type or go with ground chicken... mix in fish as well... pork tenderloin is another nice one

kidney beans have a lot of sodium, i would think twice about those as well...

if you look at my cycle log, i have my diet posted in there and that can help with ideas..!-new-log-dylan-gemelli-11728.html

Thanks for the response. Oatmeal is sugar, just cinnamon. Interesting about the eggs, will look it up. You have crushed me with the sweet potato, but will gladly remove it if it is negatively impacting results. Why, sugar? Kidney beans are low sodium. Good tips and advice Dylan, thanks again. Got some work to do.
okay, i am basing this off the fact you said you gain fat easy.. for percentages, go with 55-60% protein, 25-30% carbs and 10-15% fats..

a few things i would drop will be listed... you have a pretty good plan going... a few tweaks need made..

i would highly recommend using real egg whites and not the ones in a carton... read up on them and you can understand why they are not so good for you...

cut it to 2 whole eggs and 5 egg whites...

what kind of oatmeal are you eating?

get rid of the ezekiel bread and replace it with something else...

drop the sweet potato, add more veggetables or rice...

you can use peanut butter on your oatmeal... trust me on that one...

dont have two bananas, keep it to one

now sports protein is not so good on quality.. i would get a higher quality... check out they have very high quality and you can customize it...

get leaner ground turkey... jennie o makes a leaner type or go with ground chicken... mix in fish as well... pork tenderloin is another nice one

kidney beans have a lot of sodium, i would think twice about those as well...

if you look at my cycle log, i have my diet posted in there and that can help with ideas..!-new-log-dylan-gemelli-11728.html

Also, with dropping one banana, is it to much sugar I am trying to avoid or to many carbs in general?
My nutritionist told me no sugars after around 2-3pm(I wake at 5am), so no bananas, apples, etc
Thanks for the response. Oatmeal is sugar, just cinnamon. Interesting about the eggs, will look it up. You have crushed me with the sweet potato, but will gladly remove it if it is negatively impacting results. Why, sugar? Kidney beans are low sodium. Good tips and advice Dylan, thanks again. Got some work to do.

you can have the sweet potato in moderation but i would definitely not do it everyday and also not cake it full of peanut butter... i would say 2-3 times per week and would replace it with quinoa and brown rice etc... or even another serving of oatmeal in the evening...

as far as the bananas, no need for two... there's a lot of extra sugar there and you can fit the extra 100 calories on something more beneficial for you... more eggs, more chicken etc... its about a perfect balance..
My nutritionist told me no sugars after around 2-3pm(I wake at 5am), so no bananas, apples, etc

im sorry but thats quite overboard.. to say 2-3 p.m. That's honestly bull shit... now, you dont want to consume much at any point in time but thats pretty much not true brother... i would limit it, absolutely but to tell you that you cannot have any past that time is pretty ridiculous...
im sorry but thats quite overboard.. to say 2-3 p.m. That's honestly bull shit... now, you dont want to consume much at any point in time but thats pretty much not true brother... i would limit it, absolutely but to tell you that you cannot have any past that time is pretty ridiculous...

I agree. Carb cut offs at 2-3 pm? That's pretty insane. Even the carb cut offs by like 6 pm or whatever that got preached is bullshit, and got debunked long ago. It still comes down to macros at the end of the day but I'd never cut my carbs out that early. That's pretty ridiculous
I agree. Carb cut offs at 2-3 pm? That's pretty insane. Even the carb cut offs by like 6 pm or whatever that got preached is bullshit, and got debunked long ago. It still comes down to macros at the end of the day but I'd never cut my carbs out that early. That's pretty ridiculous

that was a sugar cutoff but thats still ridiculous.. that could fuck you up if you get low blood sugar etc... thats not good advice at all... i cant believe a nutritionist would give that guidance...
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