Whats up guys hope every body had a good weekend. so my girl hits it hard about 4 to five days a week but she is 40 and metabolism is just not what it use to be. here are her stats, age 40 weight 119lbs height:5-4 bf% prolly around 12- 15 i know that is a huge difference just hard to gauge on her she is so tiny to me. lol so she is not the girl trying to lose pounds of fat just really trying to shred what little is left from kids and that stubborn shit that just wont go away. our diet is on point and her workout consist mainly of circuit style training with minimal rest in between sets. she knows what gear i use so there is no secrets here but she sees those gains and quite frankly i think she wants a little more out of her hard work in the gym. any thought on some good fat burners that work well for women . trying to stay OTC but would like to hear what AAS would work well that is super mild . Thanks bros