
Estered AI?


New member
Hey Dylan.. You may recognize my email address I've been following you for quite some time. You've helped me with my first true cycle set ups and I've learned a great deal from you and the forums you've been associated with.

Quick question.. May be stupid but it just makes sense to me. Why haven't drug companies or even ug labs come up with a long esther AI. For example.. Connect a enanthate or cypionate ester to a suspended version of exemestane or anostrozole. Especially for those on trt who know exactly how much ai is needed to keep their e2 in line.
Anastrozol estered? I think the fatty acids commonly used in ester chains would actually inhibit oral absorption and possibly alter the chemical formula making certain compounds bio-availability nose dive. However, this is all speculation.
Anastrozol estered? I think the fatty acids commonly used in ester chains would actually inhibit oral absorption and possibly alter the chemical formula making certain compounds bio-availability nose dive. However, this is all speculation.

i dont think anything else needs to be said... =)
Hey Dylan.. You may recognize my email address I've been following you for quite some time. You've helped me with my first true cycle set ups and I've learned a great deal from you and the forums you've been associated with.

Quick question.. May be stupid but it just makes sense to me. Why haven't drug companies or even ug labs come up with a long esther AI. For example.. Connect a enanthate or cypionate ester to a suspended version of exemestane or anostrozole. Especially for those on trt who know exactly how much ai is needed to keep their e2 in line.

are allcompounds soluble in oil? Or may some be soluble in water? Or may some be soluble in alcohol? I never even took college chemistry and I know that sugar is soluble in hot tea, but not oil.
Hey Dylan.. You may recognize my email address I've been following you for quite some time. You've helped me with my first true cycle set ups and I've learned a great deal from you and the forums you've been associated with.

Quick question.. May be stupid but it just makes sense to me. Why haven't drug companies or even ug labs come up with a long esther AI. For example.. Connect a enanthate or cypionate ester to a suspended version of exemestane or anostrozole. Especially for those on trt who know exactly how much ai is needed to keep their e2 in line.

Can't esterify everything, actually most drugs can't be esteirfied.
Hey Dylan.. You may recognize my email address I've been following you for quite some time. You've helped me with my first true cycle set ups and I've learned a great deal from you and the forums you've been associated with.

Quick question.. May be stupid but it just makes sense to me. Why haven't drug companies or even ug labs come up with a long esther AI. For example.. Connect a enanthate or cypionate ester to a suspended version of exemestane or anostrozole. Especially for those on trt who know exactly how much ai is needed to keep their e2 in line.

As some others have pointed out, it's not quite as simple as just putting an Ester on a compound. The molecular structure is completely different, and honestly there's really no need for it. The demand just isn't there. It's easy and effective to just take aromasin and dose it every other day. If it isn't broke don't fix it

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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