
Endurance Athlete with Loads of Questions :-)


New member
Hello! I am new and looking for answers from knowledgeable people...
Here is a little about me...

A: I am W@D@ Tested using URINALYSIS methods ONLY (Mass Spectrometer)... No blood or hair testing. This is random and has 24hrs pre-notice (However, if detection windows are less than 3 days, I can always take my chances...)
B: I am a Sub 15:30min 5k Athlete
C: Looking for a PED to help with recovery & also have an affordable budget with little to no side effects.
D: Prefer pills over injections, but can always learn if necessary.
E: Not looking to gain weight or strength. Need to stay light with little to no water retention to maintain an elite Vo2 Max.
F: Looking to help with Recovery and going harder longer on my tempo and speed work days... I am NOT a sprinter. Specialty goes from 5k to Marathon.
G: Recently took Prednisone for an achilles injury and felt like I could run forever at whatever pace I wanted.

Thank you everyone...
RunningGuyNY said:
Hello! I am new and looking for answers from knowledgeable people...
Here is a little about me...

A: I am W@D@ Tested using URINALYSIS methods ONLY (Mass Spectrometer)... No blood or hair testing. This is random and has 24hrs pre-notice (However, if detection windows are less than 3 days, I can always take my chances...)
B: I am a Sub 15:30min 5k Athlete
C: Looking for a PED to help with recovery & also have an affordable budget with little to no side effects.
D: Prefer pills over injections, but can always learn if necessary.
E: Not looking to gain weight or strength. Need to stay light with little to no water retention to maintain an elite Vo2 Max.
F: Looking to help with Recovery and going harder longer on my tempo and speed work days... I am NOT a sprinter. Specialty goes from 5k to Marathon.
G: Recently took Prednisone for an achilles injury and felt like I could run forever at whatever pace I wanted.

Thank you everyone...

Welcome to adrenaline rush brother! Great to have you here! Your desired goal is not only my wheelhouse but i have the perfect stack for you... Nothingwill increase your cardiovascular performance and endurance like gw-501516.... There are no side effects and it is more than perfect for you... I would stack it with mk2866 for superior recovery along with ultra performance enhancement.. Read my articles on sarms at You dont need any supports and can run these in 12 week cycles with minimal time time needed off...they are all oral and perfect for your desired goal... Let Me know and i can set you up a nice stack
RunningGuyNY said:
Hello! I am new and looking for answers from knowledgeable people...
Here is a little about me...

A: I am W@D@ Tested using URINALYSIS methods ONLY (Mass Spectrometer)... No blood or hair testing. This is random and has 24hrs pre-notice (However, if detection windows are less than 3 days, I can always take my chances...)
B: I am a Sub 15:30min 5k Athlete
C: Looking for a PED to help with recovery & also have an affordable budget with little to no side effects.
D: Prefer pills over injections, but can always learn if necessary.
E: Not looking to gain weight or strength. Need to stay light with little to no water retention to maintain an elite Vo2 Max.
F: Looking to help with Recovery and going harder longer on my tempo and speed work days... I am NOT a sprinter. Specialty goes from 5k to Marathon.
G: Recently took Prednisone for an achilles injury and felt like I could run forever at whatever pace I wanted.

Thank you everyone...

Welcome to adrenaline rush brother! Great to have you here! Your desired goal is not only my wheelhouse but i have the perfect stack for you... Nothingwill increase your cardiovascular performance and endurance like gw-501516.... There are no side effects and it is more than perfect for you... I would stack it with mk2866 for superior recovery along with ultra performance enhancement.. Read my articles on sarms at You dont need any supports and can run these in 12 week cycles with minimal time time needed off...they are all oral and perfect for your desired goal... Let Me know and i can set you up a nice stack
Dylan is the man at this, you are in good hands I promise. I will also say gw is amazing it really helped me when running tren, tren makes my cardio go to hell and I felt good when I threw in some gw.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks Dylan...
The problem with SARMs is that I have been trying to find urinalysis detection rates (a basic window of X days until it won't be generally found on a urinalysis test) and there isn't any work done in this area. I'm also concerned about strength gains, as I have read quite a few SARMs logs and I'm looking to maintain/lose weight, not gain. Thanks again, you're the man!
For added info:

Info on some sites stating that SARMs are not detectable via urinalysis is incorrect and outdated. There is a test that works, but the metabolites may only be available anywhere between 24hrs to 3 weeks... The exact window is what I am looking to find...
That or a different, more effective PED for my goals.
RunningGuyNY said:
Thanks Dylan...
The problem with SARMs is that I have been trying to find urinalysis detection rates (a basic window of X days until it won't be generally found on a urinalysis test) and there isn't any work done in this area. I'm also concerned about strength gains, as I have read quite a few SARMs logs and I'm looking to maintain/lose weight, not gain. Thanks again, you're the man!

GW-501516 is technically not a sarm. It's a PPar modulator. It most definitely will not put weight on you. It will do quite the opposite because of its effects on fat loss on top of its obvious endurance benefits. It's literally the best thing for you.

As far as testing, I'm not sure exactly on detection times but with it being an oral with a short half life I can't imagine it being very long. It vertainly won't be any longer than anything else and probably less time than most things
Some sites list GW's half life as 24 hours, whereas some sites list it as 3-5hrs. Large difference, as 3-5 hrs would imply a +/-24hrs detection window versus a 5 days to 3wk detection window. Big difference and I'm not sure which source to trust, as all of the sources look pretty good and I'm not an expert on the subject.
RunningGuyNY said:
Thanks Dylan...
The problem with SARMs is that I have been trying to find urinalysis detection rates (a basic window of X days until it won't be generally found on a urinalysis test) and there isn't any work done in this area. I'm also concerned about strength gains, as I have read quite a few SARMs logs and I'm looking to maintain/lose weight, not gain. Thanks again, you're the man!

The half life of GW is 24 - 36 hours but most studies indicate 24... \

The beauty of sarms is you can cut, recomp or bulk... gw is technically not a sarm, its a ppar modulator grouped with sarms... bro, you realize how many people i have put on the triple stack to lose serious weight and i mean serious... when people have extreme body fat, etc. they are immediately directed to sarms to fix this issue... i can teach you how to do it all... i assure you that they are more than ideal for what your wanting to accomplish bro
RunningGuyNY said:
Some sites list GW's half life as 24 hours, whereas some sites list it as 3-5hrs. Large difference, as 3-5 hrs would imply a +/-24hrs detection window versus a 5 days to 3wk detection window. Big difference and I'm not sure which source to trust, as all of the sources look pretty good and I'm not an expert on the subject.

It's a 24 hour half life on GW, and as far as sources go, there's none better than pure essence sarms. I've dealt with a lot of companies over the years, and none can match the quality of their products. You get everything you pay for with pure essence
Thanks fellas! I appreciate the input. 24 hour half life would indicate maybe a 3-7 day detection window based on other substances then as a ballpark figure, right? Does anyone know any other substances with a 24hr Half Life and their particular urinalysis detection window?

The problem with SARMs is that drug detection window. I get paid quite a bit of money to run (and will for the next 4 to 5 years), so losing my money would be really, really bad and the only way around it is a drug with (-72hr summer detection can be 3 days at the most in case of living far away/faking a vacation) detection window with preferrably a -24hr so that I can take it for the entire year.
RunningGuyNY said:
Thanks fellas! I appreciate the input. 24 hour half life would indicate maybe a 3-7 day detection window based on other substances then as a ballpark figure, right? Does anyone know any other substances with a 24hr Half Life and their particular urinalysis detection window?

The problem with SARMs is that drug detection window. I get paid quite a bit of money to run (and will for the next 4 to 5 years), so losing my money would be really, really bad and the only way around it is a drug with (-72hr summer detection can be 3 days at the most in case of living far away/faking a vacation) detection window with preferrably a -24hr so that I can take it for the entire year.

your going to be very hard pressed to find anything with that short of detection time... s4 is probably the one i could recommend with a 4-6 hour half life... mk is 24 hour as well... lgd is 24-36
RunningGuyNY: please see input form linked article (but of course, I do not know if it's more trustable than your other sources)
"Anti-doping authorities [now] have a test for GW1516, which is relatively easy to find in urine with existing testing procedures, as it’s not a naturally occurring substance in the body. What’s more, clinical research shows that the drug is detectable as long as 40 days after a single dose."
Dear all, I continue this with some questions.

Some inputs are needed, so please feel free to comment and give your best advices.

Some background info:
I’m an age grouper/amateur triathlete training mostly for Ironman full distance and ½Ironman, 10-20 hours a week. Of various reasons (I do not want to bother you with here), I’m looking for some PEDs to enhance my performance, both in terms of training to become stronger/better, but also to perform better on “race days”. I’m 34 years old, 179 cm high and weight around 68 kg’s.
As an amateur, I’m not subject to any unannounced doping controls during the season, but I can potentially be subject to one during my race days. This I need to incorporate into my cycles and timing of the different PEDs.

I’m mostly looking for pills/capsules (do not like needles) and blood doping and EPO is a no-go as I see it too risky without a doctor to facilitate. In the same way, I’m very reluctant about GW501515, as I’m nervous about the potential side effects…

Now, my own considerations are currently:
Andriol 40 mg testo-caps 1-3 pcs. per week.
I know it’s low dose, but I’m not looking to gain extra weight unless it moves me forward faster and I know for example a guy like Tyler Hamilton in his book describes that he took Andriol 1-2 times per week – sometimes only one every second week. According to my research, a capsule will be out of “my system” within maximum 7 days and I can, according to my research use these Andriol more or less all your around without any side effects.
Any inputs to above, please?

Telmisartan pills, 80-160 mg per day
Were described to have some of the same effects as AIRCAR and GW, but don’t know if it’s true. Not on WADA’s list yet, only on monitoring

Has anyone tried Telmisartan and what are experiences and advices?

Will be added to WADA list from January 2016, and I assume with a good reason.
Again, has anyone tried this drug and with what results? Does anyone know for how long it will be possible to detect in a doping control?

Other inputs and advices:
analbolics in oral, but how many mg’s, which types and when during the season?
AICAR, but how to avoid testing positive?
SARMS, but are these for endurance athltehtes and how to use without testing positive?

Looking forward to your good inputs and advices.
Dear all, I continue this with some questions.

Some inputs are needed, so please feel free to comment and give your best advices.

Some background info:
I’m an age grouper/amateur triathlete training mostly for Ironman full distance and ½Ironman, 10-20 hours a week. Of various reasons (I do not want to bother you with here), I’m looking for some PEDs to enhance my performance, both in terms of training to become stronger/better, but also to perform better on “race days”. I’m 34 years old, 179 cm high and weight around 68 kg’s.
As an amateur, I’m not subject to any unannounced doping controls during the season, but I can potentially be subject to one during my race days. This I need to incorporate into my cycles and timing of the different PEDs.

I’m mostly looking for pills/capsules (do not like needles) and blood doping and EPO is a no-go as I see it too risky without a doctor to facilitate. In the same way, I’m very reluctant about GW501515, as I’m nervous about the potential side effects…

Now, my own considerations are currently:
Andriol 40 mg testo-caps 1-3 pcs. per week.
I know it’s low dose, but I’m not looking to gain extra weight unless it moves me forward faster and I know for example a guy like Tyler Hamilton in his book describes that he took Andriol 1-2 times per week – sometimes only one every second week. According to my research, a capsule will be out of “my system” within maximum 7 days and I can, according to my research use these Andriol more or less all your around without any side effects.
Any inputs to above, please?

Telmisartan pills, 80-160 mg per day
Were described to have some of the same effects as AIRCAR and GW, but don’t know if it’s true. Not on WADA’s list yet, only on monitoring

Has anyone tried Telmisartan and what are experiences and advices?

Will be added to WADA list from January 2016, and I assume with a good reason.
Again, has anyone tried this drug and with what results? Does anyone know for how long it will be possible to detect in a doping control?

Other inputs and advices:
analbolics in oral, but how many mg’s, which types and when during the season?
AICAR, but how to avoid testing positive?
SARMS, but are these for endurance athltehtes and how to use without testing positive?

Looking forward to your good inputs and advices.

there is absolutely nothing to be concerned about gw-501516... you read ONE, ONE study that has been shut down, disproven with SEVERAL others even indicating the adverse effect as opposed to the negative one... gw has NO sides and is so much better than the options your listing... i think your making a mistake here
Thanks for your input Dylan.
Have you any experience with GW in relation to endurance? (how long cycle, dosis etc.)
And how would you recommend using it leading up to a competition - as preparation? Or throughout an entire season? (training+race, app 8-10 months)
And long time before a competition, do I need to "step-off" in order not to test positive?

Perhaps a stupid questions, but how do you intake GW? (pills or?)
Thanks for your input Dylan.
Have you any experience with GW in relation to endurance? (how long cycle, dosis etc.)
And how would you recommend using it leading up to a competition - as preparation? Or throughout an entire season? (training+race, app 8-10 months)
And long time before a competition, do I need to "step-off" in order not to test positive?

Perhaps a stupid questions, but how do you intake GW? (pills or?)

1. of course i have experience... over 5 years worth... cycles are 12 weeks at 20 mg per day... take your dose 30 minutes prior to your workout... on non workout days, take it all in the a.m.

2. ideally you would be on it during... take it until 2 weeks up to your competition... assuming your drug test is before then you would start again right after your drug test... you run it an entire season to build vo2max throughout the year... 12 weeks on, 2-3 weeks off and restart again

3. 2-3 weeks ideally

4. sarms in capsules are not real sarms and not bioavailable that way... liquid only... the very best you can find is at
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