like everyone else said, it is not necessary to up your dose. i believe in starting at a Low dose to see how you respond. then you can go up later to a moderate dose. but not start at 500mg test and then go to 600-800. thats overboard. more like 250. then later you can do 300-350 if you handle 250 well. it all depends. i also believe it has to do with the size of the person as well. alot of people will disagree with me on this, but just like an alcoholic drink. a small person takes one drink to get buzzed. it takes a big person 4-5 drinks. now there are also a lot of variables to consider after that as well. and someone new to anabolics should never jump to a high dose immediately. but for me 350mg test is good but for ronnie coleman in his prime 350mg test is nowhere near enough. this is just an example. i do NOT advocate more is better. i advocate low doses and smart use