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The Medic

I know this is out the question but any know of any source for it.. Ive researched and know of the dangers. And what evil effects it has. But one can be too safe.

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If you actually looked hard enough you would find it. Trust me on that, but I doubt anyone here is just going to actually help you.

I don't personally know a source for it, but even if I did I just couldn't feel comfortable pointing someone that direction for it
I may know someone but I'd have to know you a bit better to feel comfortable giving it. I also would need to double check if he still carries it. What are your stats and history? Highest level of education completed? Lol

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[email protected]

Its all good jack.. I had a long think last night and was like no it has a higher percentage of severe consequences if dosed improperly.. Had to double take and think.. But im currently 5'8'' 26 y/o 185 at 14%bf went from 240 at 28% to 190 18% in 9 months . on my third cycle first one being anavar only... Second being test enanthate 500mg a week for 12 weeks. And now im on my third getting bloods for phurious useing his test prop at 1.5cc eod. Been working out on and off since high school and only seriously dieting and training for two years. Been to college for fire science courses Been and emt for 4 years and getting ready to go to paramedic school.

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Well not to discourage you but maybe get a little more experience under your belt before taking such drastic measures. Just because it CAN be used safely doesnt mean it is recommended or a good idea. There are countless other methods and protocols for weight loss, and youve made great progress already. Theres no need for you to use DNP.
Well not to discourage you but maybe get a little more experience under your belt before taking such drastic measures. Just because it CAN be used safely doesnt mean it is recommended or a good idea. There are countless other methods and protocols for weight loss, and youve made great progress already. Theres no need for you to use DNP.

Yeah i know molnar hence thats why i said i had to double take on it. Had to sleep on it so pleease haha disregard close this thread or something

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Well not to discourage you but maybe get a little more experience under your belt before taking such drastic measures. Just because it CAN be used safely doesnt mean it is recommended or a good idea. There are countless other methods and protocols for weight loss, and youve made great progress already. Theres no need for you to use DNP.

And thank you for looking out

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No worries bro. Theres plenty of room for experimentation here but that ones tough to advise about. To each is own but I just see no reason to implement DNP unless youre doing clinical research or have a shit ton of experience. Im sure there are plenty of people that use it safely but that doesnt make it a smart decision
Yeah i know molnar hence thats why i said i had to double take on it. Had to sleep on it so pleease haha disregard close this thread or something

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I'm glad you rethought that bro. Very smart move. I'm glad you made the right choice.

Because of the dangerous nature of this subject and the fact that really nothing more needs said on top of you requesting it....I'm going to close this thread.

The last thing we need is a new guy coming into this thread and getting a bright idea trying to latch onto a dnp source, potentially really hurting himself
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