
divide dosage of deca or test !!!


New member
hello guys
I do have just deca 250mg/ml and i wanna go a little bit on lower dose so can i use half of the ampule
i mean 1ml contain 250mg so does 0.5ml contain 125mg !!! or it doesn't work that way !!! please i need answer :D
This seems like a novice question to me. Yes if you use .5ml of anything that is dosed at 250mg/ml you will be getting 125mg. The real questions are what are your stats? What are your goals? What are you running test at? What are you running to protect against prolactin increases? What are you using for estrogen control?
Instead of using the deca I would take more time to educate yourself on not only units of measure but on what it is that your injecting into your body! Before injecting anything you should know all the details associated with the compound.
hey thank you dude :D i didn't mention my stats to keep the question short as possible
so yes i'm bulking i tried multiple cycles of sustanon 250 + dbol 15 mg and i believe i got the most of it so now on i wanna try sustanon250 + deca 125 for 6 weeks long
PLUS using arimidex .25 every other day and trully i don't know that much about prolactin so can you give me any product , ideas .. any thing you think it's gonna help me :D
I kinda figured you were young! Bro here is the info that you need mabe not what you want but what you need, YOUR TOO YOUNG FOR PEDS!!!!!!! The fact that you have done 3 cycles at "like 22" is just terrible! No one on this forum is going to give you advice at your age!!! You need to focus on you training intensity and nutrition bro!!!
Your welcome!! I understand being 22 and wanting to make gains but in my opinion steroids will cause you more harm then good bro!! Do some reasearch on training and nutrition and find what training and nutrition protocol works best for you!! You will be amazed at what you can accomplish through proper training and nutrition.
well the only thing you are "in a hurry" to do is FUCK UP YOUR LIFE and you will dude, you are well on your way already...

i would not advise you to use steroids if you paid me a million dollars.. yes, you can make your own choices but im certainly not contributing to someone ruining your life... listen man, i get THOUSANDS of questions per day and I have been doing this a long time and have seen it all... i think i know what happens to guys that use steroids your age and you know what, its never good, not at all... you are gong to learn a very very severe and lifelong lesson that i have a feeling you dont want to encounter... you are too young to be using ANYTHING bro... be smart, don't be a fool and learn the hard way…

you need to watch my video on the dangers of underage steroid use…
thank you dylan i belive in each and every single word you say and trully i'm grateful for your advice i'll try my best to develop my body as a natty until the right time to use steroids
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