
difference between subcutaneous testosterone and intramuscular


New member
Hi Guys,

Sorry, another newbie question.

Is there a difference between subcutaneous testosterone and intramuscular testosterone, besides the area that you're injecting. I mean, is the gear the same?

The gear is the same, though from what I've read thicker carrier oils can sometimes leave a small lump under the skin for a while.

I need to be on TRT for life and looked into the SC thing so I could get a more accurate measurement via slin pin. A lot of guys seem to do well with it and report positive blood work. Other people who know their stuff say that it has to be done IM.. TBH I can't help think that they might have a point. I mean test injections have been around for many decades and it surely wouldn't have taken this long for the world to discover they can be done SC if there was no disadvantage over IM injections for the general population.
middle aged fat guy said:
The gear is the same, though from what I've read thicker carrier oils can sometimes leave a small lump under the skin for a while.

I need to be on TRT for life and looked into the SC thing so I could get a more accurate measurement via slin pin. A lot of guys seem to do well with it and report positive blood work. Other people who know their stuff say that it has to be done IM.. TBH I can't help think that they could have a point. I mean test injections have been around for many decades and it surely wouldn't have taken this long for the world to discover they can be done SC if there was no disadvantage over IM injections for the general population.
kellopgeorge said:
Hi Guys,

Sorry, another newbie question.

Is there a difference between subcutaneous testosterone and intramuscular testosterone, besides the area that you're injecting. I mean, is the gear the same?


That only has to do with the delivery method via injection. It has nothing to do with the actual gear used. That would be the same. For the most part testosterone is meant to be injected intramuscular. There is some debate over subq injections being a viable option for TRT purposes, but the only way it can work is if the oil volume is very small, like during TRT dose. It would never work for a cycle on high doses. That volume of oil could never be pinned subq. It opens up too much possibility of infection or abcess
OK - Thanks for the info guys.

I use an allergy syringe that is 1 ML total I think, so I usually only inject 100 mg (I think)? Sorry, bad with the dosing lingo. In any case, it's a small TRT amount.

Sounds like the gear is the same for sq and IM. So I think I'll try a subcutaneous injection of 50 mgs and see how it goes.

I read somewhere that sq injections cut down on the gyno side effects, which I definitely have been experiencing. I think it might be better to take two smaller doses over the course of a week, instead of one large dose. Might prevent aromatizing and estrogen. Worth a shot I guess.


Just curious, why are you on TRT for life? Is it natural low T, or do you have PFS too?

I don't want to go on TRT for life, but I think it may be my only option. I'm going to quit my job and try to sleep a lot and exercise and raise my T naturally over the course of 6 months, but if it doesn't work, I think I'll go on T for life.
kellopgeorge said:
OK - Thanks for the info guys.

I use an allergy syringe that is 1 ML total I think, so I usually only inject 100 mg (I think)? Sorry, bad with the dosing lingo. In any case, it's a small TRT amount.

Sounds like the gear is the same for sq and IM. So I think I'll try a subcutaneous injection of 50 mgs and see how it goes.

I read somewhere that sq injections cut down on the gyno side effects, which I definitely have been experiencing. I think it might be better to take two smaller doses over the course of a week, instead of one large dose. Might prevent aromatizing and estrogen. Worth a shot I guess.


Just curious, why are you on TRT for life? Is it natural low T, or do you have PFS too?

I don't want to go on TRT for life, but I think it may be my only option. I'm going to quit my job and try to sleep a lot and exercise and raise my T naturally over the course of 6 months, but if it doesn't work, I think I'll go on T for life.

so you use 1ML you said? what is your test dosed at, it should say 250mg/ML or something like that. so 1mL would = 250mg not 100mg
Hold on..If you have 500mg test and inject .2 ml you have your trt. Yes you can inject small amounts...i.e. of .1 to .5 ml sub q. BUT you inject into the delt only. If you try to inject 1 ml or more sub q you will not be a happy person.
kellopgeorge said:
OK - Thanks for the info guys.

I use an allergy syringe that is 1 ML total I think, so I usually only inject 100 mg (I think)? Sorry, bad with the dosing lingo. In any case, it's a small TRT amount.

Sounds like the gear is the same for sq and IM. So I think I'll try a subcutaneous injection of 50 mgs and see how it goes.

I read somewhere that sq injections cut down on the gyno side effects, which I definitely have been experiencing. I think it might be better to take two smaller doses over the course of a week, instead of one large dose. Might prevent aromatizing and estrogen. Worth a shot I guess.


Just curious, why are you on TRT for life? Is it natural low T, or do you have PFS too?

I don't want to go on TRT for life, but I think it may be my only option. I'm going to quit my job and try to sleep a lot and exercise and raise my T naturally over the course of 6 months, but if it doesn't work, I think I'll go on T for life.

i dont think two small doses will make much of a difference in terms of gyno or not, if you get gyno at once a week you would get the same at twice a week with smaller injects..
kellopgeorge said:
OK - Thanks for the info guys.

I use an allergy syringe that is 1 ML total I think, so I usually only inject 100 mg (I think)? Sorry, bad with the dosing lingo. In any case, it's a small TRT amount.

Sounds like the gear is the same for sq and IM. So I think I'll try a subcutaneous injection of 50 mgs and see how it goes.

I read somewhere that sq injections cut down on the gyno side effects, which I definitely have been experiencing. I think it might be better to take two smaller doses over the course of a week, instead of one large dose. Might prevent aromatizing and estrogen. Worth a shot I guess.


Just curious, why are you on TRT for life? Is it natural low T, or do you have PFS too?

I don't want to go on TRT for life, but I think it may be my only option. I'm going to quit my job and try to sleep a lot and exercise and raise my T naturally over the course of 6 months, but if it doesn't work, I think I'll go on T for life.

Gyno and estrogen would be controlled with your AI dose, and has no bearing on your injection method.
RickRock said:
kellopgeorge said:
OK - Thanks for the info guys.

I use an allergy syringe that is 1 ML total I think, so I usually only inject 100 mg (I think)? Sorry, bad with the dosing lingo. In any case, it's a small TRT amount.

Sounds like the gear is the same for sq and IM. So I think I'll try a subcutaneous injection of 50 mgs and see how it goes.

I read somewhere that sq injections cut down on the gyno side effects, which I definitely have been experiencing. I think it might be better to take two smaller doses over the course of a week, instead of one large dose. Might prevent aromatizing and estrogen. Worth a shot I guess.


Just curious, why are you on TRT for life? Is it natural low T, or do you have PFS too?

I don't want to go on TRT for life, but I think it may be my only option. I'm going to quit my job and try to sleep a lot and exercise and raise my T naturally over the course of 6 months, but if it doesn't work, I think I'll go on T for life.

Gyno and estrogen would be controlled with your AI dose, and has no bearing on your injection method.

Correct me if I'm wrong here but, test primarily converts to estrogen when there is an excessive amount in the body i.e. more than you can use. So if you keep you dose protocol to small injection and your test levels never spike then maybe there is less excess test to be converted to estrogen. That's just my opinion.
Re: RE: Re: difference between subcutaneous testosterone and intramuscular

makingains said:
RickRock said:
kellopgeorge said:
OK - Thanks for the info guys.

I use an allergy syringe that is 1 ML total I think, so I usually only inject 100 mg (I think)? Sorry, bad with the dosing lingo. In any case, it's a small TRT amount.

Sounds like the gear is the same for sq and IM. So I think I'll try a subcutaneous injection of 50 mgs and see how it goes.

I read somewhere that sq injections cut down on the gyno side effects, which I definitely have been experiencing. I think it might be better to take two smaller doses over the course of a week, instead of one large dose. Might prevent aromatizing and estrogen. Worth a shot I guess.


Just curious, why are you on TRT for life? Is it natural low T, or do you have PFS too?

I don't want to go on TRT for life, but I think it may be my only option. I'm going to quit my job and try to sleep a lot and exercise and raise my T naturally over the course of 6 months, but if it doesn't work, I think I'll go on T for life.

Gyno and estrogen would be controlled with your AI dose, and has no bearing on your injection method.

Correct me if I'm wrong here but, test primarily converts to estrogen when there is an excessive amount in the body i.e. more than you can use. So if you keep you dose protocol to small injection and your test levels never spike then maybe there is less excess test to be converted to estrogen. That's just my opinion.
Less testosterone equals less conversion to estrogen. That much is true. It still has nothing to do with how the testosterone is administered.
makingains said:
RickRock said:
kellopgeorge said:
OK - Thanks for the info guys.

I use an allergy syringe that is 1 ML total I think, so I usually only inject 100 mg (I think)? Sorry, bad with the dosing lingo. In any case, it's a small TRT amount.

Sounds like the gear is the same for sq and IM. So I think I'll try a subcutaneous injection of 50 mgs and see how it goes.

I read somewhere that sq injections cut down on the gyno side effects, which I definitely have been experiencing. I think it might be better to take two smaller doses over the course of a week, instead of one large dose. Might prevent aromatizing and estrogen. Worth a shot I guess.


Just curious, why are you on TRT for life? Is it natural low T, or do you have PFS too?

I don't want to go on TRT for life, but I think it may be my only option. I'm going to quit my job and try to sleep a lot and exercise and raise my T naturally over the course of 6 months, but if it doesn't work, I think I'll go on T for life.

Gyno and estrogen would be controlled with your AI dose, and has no bearing on your injection method.

Correct me if I'm wrong here but, test primarily converts to estrogen when there is an excessive amount in the body i.e. more than you can use. So if you keep you dose protocol to small injection and your test levels never spike then maybe there is less excess test to be converted to estrogen. That's just my opinion.

Less TEST would mean less estrogen conversion BUT in this case I don't think it would make much of a difference because you are still injecting the same amount of TEST weekly. there may be a small change between the two methods BUT it won't prevent Estrogen problems by doing bi weekly injects. The only thing that would help that is either a Lower Dose of TEST or some Aromasin.
Mind you I am new to all this, but I read somewhere that the spike in testosterone is what causes estrogen conversion. So if you take all of your dose at one point in the week, then your body registers a high level of T, and then starts aromatizing it. So I thought taking two smaller doses would cut the spike in half and therefore prevent, or limit, aromatizing. Could be wrong.

I checked out the allergy syringe that I use. On the packaged it says 1cc. It looked like 1cc=1ml according to a couple sites on the internet. So I take 1/10th of a cc.

I have been taking arimidex and letrozole, but nothing seems to stop the gyno.
kellopgeorge said:
Mind you I am new to all this, but I read somewhere that the spike in testosterone is what causes estrogen conversion. So if you take all of your dose at one point in the week, then your body registers a high level of T, and then starts aromatizing it. So I thought taking two smaller doses would cut the spike in half and therefore prevent, or limit, aromatizing. Could be wrong.

I checked out the allergy syringe that I use. On the packaged it says 1cc. It looked like 1cc=1ml according to a couple sites on the internet. So I take 1/10th of a cc.

I have been taking arimidex and letrozole, but nothing seems to stop the gyno.

Yeah the TEST spike can cause problems but that should only be for the first inject, because after that you are basically stacking TEST on TEST as far as levels go. it also depends on how much you are injecting at once and if you have used TEST before or not. I would be more concerned about stopping TEST when your TEST levels drop and estrogen is left over.. I am assuming you are using TEST CYP? so there is a taper by the end of the week but you inject again, so it fluctuates, but not an insane amount. the only thing splitting the dose would do is keep the levels a little more stable. Cyp is already pretty stable at once a week so it is not necessary to do twice a week BUT some people do prefer it based on how they feel.. If you really think about it though the more stable the levels are the more consistent, which means your TEST levels are higher for a longer period of time which means more Estrogen conversion (albeit a small difference in this case) so if anything, if we are speaking strictly of Estrogen, twice a week I would think would be worse. Because remember once a week spikes TEST then tapers down then its time for inject next week, so lets say you inject and your TEST is 700, by the end of the week its 500 then you inject to 700 again. NOW if you do twice a week, you spike to 700, then taper to 600 then spike to 700 again then to 600 then back to 700. your levels would be more consistent but also more elevated throughout, higher Test = more estrogen conversion POSSIBLY depending on the person.
You would never get me to inject subq. Deep into the muscle for me. So much more comfortable than the idea of an abcess. Probably one of the worst possible side effects of gear.
kellopgeorge said:
Mind you I am new to all this, but I read somewhere that the spike in testosterone is what causes estrogen conversion. So if you take all of your dose at one point in the week, then your body registers a high level of T, and then starts aromatizing it. So I thought taking two smaller doses would cut the spike in half and therefore prevent, or limit, aromatizing. Could be wrong.

I checked out the allergy syringe that I use. On the packaged it says 1cc. It looked like 1cc=1ml according to a couple sites on the internet. So I take 1/10th of a cc.

I have been taking arimidex and letrozole, but nothing seems to stop the gyno.

Lower doses equal lower aromatization per dose. That much is true. But at the end of the week you still have the same dose and same amount of aromatization. Your rate doesn't change depending on the size of the dose. All of this is very trivial anyways, when all you have to do is control your estrogen correctly, regardless of how you administer it.
kellopgeorge said:
Just curious, why are you on TRT for life? Is it natural low T, or do you have PFS too?

I don't want to go on TRT for life, but I think it may be my only option. I'm going to quit my job and try to sleep a lot and exercise and raise my T naturally over the course of 6 months, but if it doesn't work, I think I'll go on T for life.

not PFS, I've had low levels for as long as I can remember.. I did some pretty silly stuff with gear in my early 20's, but I can't be sure if that's what caused it either way .

I think it's great that you're exploring estrogen control, but as others have mentioned, focusing research towards AI's might be a worthwhile project. I think you mentioned that you're gyno prone even with them, but if that's the case dosing protocols aren't going to do a whole lot IMO.

I might get flamed for this but trying a different compound *might* help. I'm not prone to gyno, but I get puffy as hell on test. I've tried a low dose SC (every day) of propionate and held pretty much zero water. I know 'test is test' but I can't argue with actual results. I also tried doing 50mg prop IM EOD and held very little noticeable water, though it seemed to be slightly more than the ED injections.
RickRock said:
kellopgeorge said:
Mind you I am new to all this, but I read somewhere that the spike in testosterone is what causes estrogen conversion. So if you take all of your dose at one point in the week, then your body registers a high level of T, and then starts aromatizing it. So I thought taking two smaller doses would cut the spike in half and therefore prevent, or limit, aromatizing. Could be wrong.

I checked out the allergy syringe that I use. On the packaged it says 1cc. It looked like 1cc=1ml according to a couple sites on the internet. So I take 1/10th of a cc.

I have been taking arimidex and letrozole, but nothing seems to stop the gyno.

Lower doses equal lower aromatization per dose. That much is true. But at the end of the week you still have the same dose and same amount of aromatization. Your rate doesn't change depending on the size of the dose. All of this is very trivial anyways, when all you have to do is control your estrogen correctly, regardless of how you administer it.

yeah i agree its pretty trivial....either you need AI or you don't, the injection schedule wont affect that..
I am a supporter of sup q actually believe it or not. I do both but to eliminate the issue of injecting 2ml of oil a day and blowing out my muscle groups I throw my thinner oils in the gut with a slin pin. Never more than a cc.

When I get real real lean like I am now it helps. I have the disadvantage of having too many nerves in my quads and delts. I can't even sub q those sites. I pin ventro, glute, pecs and sometimes my left bi. That's all I got. Too many veins and nerves elsewhere.

I get a nice tightness in my abs when I throw tren ace there.

It really has to be done conservitivly and has to be done correctly. I would never recommend the sub q with oils to someone without experience. You could end up in a lot of pain.

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