
Did my first pin today. Low dose/ Estrogen Signs


Did my first pin this morning in the right glute WOOT WOOT! now I'm doing 375mg a week. What will be the high estrogen signs I need to watch out for on this cycle? And will they start occurring
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Did my first pin this morning in the right glute WOOT WOOT! now I'm doing 375mg a week. What will be the high estrogen signs I need to watch out for on this cycle?
As long as you are controlling estrogen correctly there shouldn't be any issues. Are you taking aromasin? You should be dosing that around 12.5mg EOD

High estrogen usually causes bad bloat, water retention, puffy nipples, loss of sex drive and function, emotional issues, etc...

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Not trying to be a smart ass, but estrogen sides are totally researchable. This question makes me wonder how much planning went into this cycle bro. Of course we'll assist as much as possible, but a little more research never killed anyone... except Marie Curie.
Not trying to be a smart ass, but estrogen sides are totally researchable. This question makes me wonder how much planning went into this cycle bro. Of course we'll assist as much as possible, but a little more research never killed anyone... except Marie Curie.

Negative. Everyone is saying something different, so I decided to go to a trusted board rather than bro science. Many people say from day one, but then numerous people also state an A.I won't be needed. Even upon research most people who ask this question are all taking a 500mg dosage...
Negative. Everyone is saying something different, so I decided to go to a trusted board rather than bro science. Many people say from day one, but then numerous people also state an A.I won't be needed. Even upon research most people who ask this question are all taking a 500mg dosage...

Even on 375 you will need an ai. Anyone who says u dont need one is a moron.

Estrogen sides dont come right away. As your estrogen slowly rises from the bodies attempt to compensate for higher testosterone you will start to possibly see changes. Ie water gain. Puffy face. Fatigue. Muscle aches. Acne. Etc. maybe some or all. Everyone is different. Then as it gets worse you will have things like hair loss. Mood swings. Itchy or achy nipples. Which also turns into gyno which is the formation of breast tissue. Ie bitch tits

On a run of 375 mg a week i woukd suggest 12.5mg of aromasin every four days to start.

Negative. Everyone is saying something different, so I decided to go to a trusted board rather than bro science. Many people say from day one, but then numerous people also state an A.I won't be needed. Even upon research most people who ask this question are all taking a 500mg dosage...

Any altering of the body's natural test production will cause an equal and opposite reaction, therefore it's always best to keep getting labs prior, mid-point and at the conclusion of any cycle. This allows you to properly dial in your AI which should always be run, dose depending on labs. 12.5mg Aromasin eod is the general rule of thumb and this of course in adjustable lab results dependent. When someone, or a company says 'zero aromatization' it'd be great to believe that, hell if that were the case we'd all be big AF, but as always marketing plays a part in everything. You'd be surprised what unscrupulous manufacturers are allowed to say and by what standard certain things are measured against. As a rule here we like to run aromasin on cycle and thru pct as well. I cruise and it is a mainstay for me eod. Bro-science somehow even formulated the idea that 500mg was the 'norm' and yet I myself have run much less than that in conjunction with other compounds and had amazing results that pushed me to 262 pounds, 11-12%bf at 5' 9" tall. Every cycle as you know has a purpose and when you dabble in AAS, AI is just as much required as the gear itself.
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