
Detection times


New member
If I stop using clomid and nolvadex 8weeks before steroid test do I fail that test? Or should I stop using them 9weeks before tests. I finded somewhere that clomid and nolva have 2month detection time
thats general but im not comfortable telling you that its a guarantee because its not and i want no liability in that... detection times are GUESSTIMATES but never a guarantee, so keep that in mind
If I stop using clomid and nolvadex 8weeks before steroid test do I fail that test? Or should I stop using them 9weeks before tests. I finded somewhere that clomid and nolva have 2month detection time

Well Obvioulsy the most time you can get between coming off of the, and the test the better. There's conflicting info about detection times so I would t be able to tell you what would happen with any kind of certainty whatsoever
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