
Dbol and Tren?


Thinking of running my first cycle with Tren. Wanting to run a cycle of Test, Tren, Dbol and Proviron.

My question is, are Tren and Dbol good compounds to stack? What are the potential negatives of stacking these two? And would Proviron be a good stack to enhance the two as well?
Thats ur first cycle? Not a good idea at all. Test only for first cycle. So you kow how you react to test. Next cycle add sumthin else into the mix and so on and so on. Ur first cycle is the best. You dont need a lot to make great gains. You definately shouldnt run tren on ur first cycle. Take ur time no need to rush and fuck urself up
First tren cycle or first cycle period?? Definitely the worst first cycle you could pick. If it's your first tren cycle it's still an awful idea. Majorly hepatoxic and proviron makes it triple bad.

What's your age, stats, BF, lifting and cycle experience?

Phurious Pharma Rep
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Sorry guys, should have been more specific. This would be my first TREN cycle, not my first cycle period. I have been lifting since I was 14, I'm a full time personal trainer at Google here in the silicon valley, and I have done 3 cycles of gear already.

I am 27, 6 1', 202lbs, and around 8-10% body fat. I am a competitive Olympic Lifter and right now I"m looking to gain a little bit of size but mostly STRENGTH. And the reason I wanted to run Dbol and Tren is because as far as I've researched, they are about the best two compounds for gaining strength. What do you guys recommend I run instead?
Ok thought was first cycle lol. I love tren. Have run it every cycle since i first tried it. I would say just test and tren. Depends on if u wanna run the test higher/same/ lower than the tren. Everyone has their own view. I tried higher a few times and for me i think the tren overshadows the test so im gonna try it lower b coz i feel its a waste of test. Ive run it 12 weeks but towards the end im ready to get off even though i dont get much sides. Im most likely gonna run 10 wks next time. Most will say use ace so if u wanna ditch it gets out faster but i started with e. Watch ur blood pressure. Tren elevates it. My sweet spot is in the 400-500 range. Imo ditch the dbol. Kinda counterproductive
Really no need for the Dbol
TREN with Test equal amounts will give you all the STRENGTH you can handle
Be sure you run it with helps mitigate the decline in cardio Tren can cause
It helps with strength and endurance
I personally don't like stacking orals with Tren because it's just too harsh on the body, so id leave out the Dbol myself. Tren alone will overshadow the Dbol anyways, and for your first Tren run you don't want to overcomlicate things by adding other steroids in there you don't need besides test.

I would also strongly advise adding in the GW if you run Tren. It makes a HUGE difference on cardio output, cholesterol, lipids, blood pressure, etc. I wouldn't run Tren without it
Sorry guys, should have been more specific. This would be my first TREN cycle, not my first cycle period. I have been lifting since I was 14, I'm a full time personal trainer at Google here in the silicon valley, and I have done 3 cycles of gear already.

I am 27, 6 1', 202lbs, and around 8-10% body fat. I am a competitive Olympic Lifter and right now I"m looking to gain a little bit of size but mostly STRENGTH. And the reason I wanted to run Dbol and Tren is because as far as I've researched, they are about the best two compounds for gaining strength. What do you guys recommend I run instead?

In that case drop the dbol. Tren is good for strength on its own. I wouldn't use an oral with it at all. I'd do 400 test/ 300 tren

Phurious Pharma Rep
Email me at [email protected]
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I personally don't like stacking orals with Tren because it's just too harsh on the body, so id leave out the Dbol myself. Tren alone will overshadow the Dbol anyways, and for your first Tren run you don't want to overcomlicate things by adding other steroids in there you don't need besides test.

I would also strongly advise adding in the GW if you run Tren. It makes a HUGE difference on cardio output, cholesterol, lipids, blood pressure, etc. I wouldn't run Tren without it

Yes add GW for sure.

Phurious Pharma Rep
Email me at [email protected]
Code 'JS5' for 5% off
Ok fair enough. I will run 400 test and 300 Tren, with GW and no Dbol. Actually had already planned on running GW with it, just forgot to mention it. Thanks for the advice guys. This is why I love this forum!
Ok fair enough. I will run 400 test and 300 Tren, with GW and no Dbol. Actually had already planned on running GW with it, just forgot to mention it. Thanks for the advice guys. This is why I love this forum!

sounds good !

be sure to monitor your prolactin and estradiol while on cycle
Ok fair enough. I will run 400 test and 300 Tren, with GW and no Dbol. Actually had already planned on running GW with it, just forgot to mention it. Thanks for the advice guys. This is why I love this forum!

^This sounds like a good clean run right here should be nice
Ok fair enough. I will run 400 test and 300 Tren, with GW and no Dbol. Actually had already planned on running GW with it, just forgot to mention it. Thanks for the advice guys. This is why I love this forum!
Good plan right there bud

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