Just wanted to know your thoughts on doing a dbol/anavar cycle at the same time for a longer period of time at a lower dose, how this would affect the body differently to using higher dose for shorter period ?
Also am I able to send you my list of supplements I plan on taking to get your opinion on whether you think I should be using them or any additional you would add to the collection etc. Thanks a lot
this is pretty much the stupidest cycle known to man... it gets NO WORSE... not only is it an oral only but on top of it, the two worst orals you could run by themselves, IN ONE... it gets no stupider, no worse, etc... i wont go any further but there's no other advice on it... i would NEVER, not even if you paid me, advise you or anyone to run something this absurd...
at your age, NOONE with any common sense, care, ethics etc. would EVER advise you to use steroids... your going to destroy yourself... and regardless of whether you try to say "well im going to use anyway" or not, if you think that's going to back someone in a corner to give you advise, your at the wrong forum.. it wont happen... that kind of shit will basically get you kicked off before you even start...
sarms are another story... that's an entirely different scenario and option... most guys your age up to 25, that's what i recommend to them and they love it and they dont ruin their lives like you would by using steroids this young... you'll completely ruin yourself otherwise, i GUARANTEE IT... this is a million percent fact...
start by reading my articles on sarms here...
i have done videos on every sarm as well... here is a link to my youtube channel...
let me know and i'll help you set up a sarms cycle...