So my cycle is complete and I've throttled back down to a cruise and I tipped the scale at 262.1 lbs and keep in mind that I ate like complete shit the last few days, but meh...fuck it. That's what happens when you take a road trip, hang out with people you don't like much, have a sister in law spend the night twice in one week and narrowly avoid going fucking bananas behind all the loud ass'd country grammar while she's on the phone, on the couch, in the same damn room while you try to watch one of your favorite tv shows. Yeah... no fucking boundaries and I don't like watching shit upstairs in the theater room. It's kinda my house ya' know?
So now that I'm running some low doses of test-e and some winny v along with my SARMs to cruise for the next few months (4 to be exact) I can't help but feel like it's a struggle to stay big. I've got a new wo routine, increased my caloric intake to compensate for the extra calorie expenditure from the new routine and the lack of deca... all should be well, but mentally you get suspicious. Lifts are still looking good, and tomorrow is Wednesday... a rest day. I'll be on my scale now more than ever for a bit till the next blast. Gonna leave the dexa-scans alone for the next two months as well to avoid the mental stress. I think the primary focus will be quality over quantity in regards to my lifts, eating well and getting my rest on my new rest days. I am truly curious about how the SARMs will work without bigger doses of gear, so this will be my learning phase with the Bridge Stack. Wish me luck, wish me some gainz as well.
"There's not much that can compare to the satisfaction of making the letters on your graphic tee disappear when you flex your pecs." - The 44
So now that I'm running some low doses of test-e and some winny v along with my SARMs to cruise for the next few months (4 to be exact) I can't help but feel like it's a struggle to stay big. I've got a new wo routine, increased my caloric intake to compensate for the extra calorie expenditure from the new routine and the lack of deca... all should be well, but mentally you get suspicious. Lifts are still looking good, and tomorrow is Wednesday... a rest day. I'll be on my scale now more than ever for a bit till the next blast. Gonna leave the dexa-scans alone for the next two months as well to avoid the mental stress. I think the primary focus will be quality over quantity in regards to my lifts, eating well and getting my rest on my new rest days. I am truly curious about how the SARMs will work without bigger doses of gear, so this will be my learning phase with the Bridge Stack. Wish me luck, wish me some gainz as well.
"There's not much that can compare to the satisfaction of making the letters on your graphic tee disappear when you flex your pecs." - The 44