
Cycle advice


New member
So Dylan I wanted your opinion on the cycle I'm about to run. 375mg/week of Test C, 50 mg/day of Proviron, 25mg/day of MK 2866, 25mg/day of MK 677. 1-9 weeks then drop down to 250 of Test and continue the MK 677 for like 4 months. Iill be taking a trt dosage of Test indefinantly. 200-250 a week. I also have letrozole on hand Just in case and I'll also take 50mg of Arimistane a day. That's plenty to control estrogen for me as I'm not very estrogen sensative at less than 500 of test. My question to you is does this all sound ok? And when I go to trt dosage I'll be off the proviron and was wondering if I could take masteron enenthate 200mg/week to control estrogen for an additional 5 weeks after week 9? So is masteron good for estrogen control at a test dose of 250 a week? Thanks bro
thats impossible for me to answer when you literally give me nothing to work with... i dont know your cycle history, your goals?????????? your workout history? stats??? age/height/weight/body fat... you cannot expect any sort of valid answer when you give me nothing to work with…
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