
Cutting with Sarms


New member
42 yo male
5'9" 176lbs feel like 18% BF
I am using my 1st Sarms Stack consisting of
GW 10 mgs
MK 25 mg
SR 9009 .25 ml x 6
S-4 25 mg

I'm at a 500 calorie deficit and eating a Keto Diet with a Backload Meal 1 day a week. I'm on week 3 now. My strength has gone up. Muscle is increasing, however I feel as if I'm getting fatter. Any ideas? Thanks

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Mk677?.. will make you feel bloated. And retain water. Keep going with a clean diet and you should be fine look into natural diuretics.

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What is your total calories and macros per day? You must be structured in the right caloric defecit to see the fat loss, Keto or not
Week 3 of the keto diet, the sarms run... or week 3 of both? Like Rick, I'd like to see your total caloric intake for the day. Your progress interests me as we're the same age though you are significantly lower in weight & BF than I am. How do you 'feel" like you're getting fatter? The sarms, especially S-4, is probably allowing you to gain lean muscle. It worked very well for me.
I had been Keto adapted for for 2 months before deciding on trying the Sarms. At that time I had dropped down to 170 lbs and 17% ( I use a Withing Body Cardio scale) My macros at that time were 2400 cal, 40% p, 55%f and 5%c During the Sarms stack I have been steady at 1800 45%p 50%f and 5%c. Again , I do backload the carbs once a week. Usually with bad results! Today my scale says I am 177 lbs, 19.5% bf. I realize those scales are not correct calculation of BF. But The mirror definitely confirms.

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Honestly I never post in these forums but after joining this one and read through. You guys are awesome. Lots of helpful info and patience to the newbies. I thank you for that.

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Best I can do is tell you how my sarms cycle went relative to fat loss/muscle gain and the scale. This morning, I hit the same weight I was before starting any sarms or trt. At just below 200, the same shorts that were tight around the waist (and just came out of the dryer on high heat) are now loose. The scale is not the best way to determine weight gain/BF as you (and many here) have said. I'll let the veterans advise you on diet but I can tell you on keto, my ability to work out is impacted significantly... I've been back on it for about two weeks now and my strength, but more so, my endurance through the workout is down. Carbs fuel the muscles so it makes sense. On the other hand, I'm definitely stronger than I was before the sarms cycle and I'm bigger up top and in my arms. Again I can tell by clothing... I have a couple of those slim-fit button down shirts that fit ok before. Now the lower portion is loose but the chest area is about to pop the top two buttons.

Just run out the cycle and see how you look/feel as opposed to what the scale tells you.

I remember Vildail had a similar experience during his first sarms run. He had a very detailed account of his first run... he dropped body fat and gained lots of muscle. Search for his first log, great info in there.

Good luck!
Sorry Mk 2866
Thanks for the response

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I see hmm. Well why do you feel like your getting fatter or how. Is it the scale the fact that its going up? Or is it more the mirror?.

Try not to think about about scale or mirror focus on diet and training and ride out the cycle.

Beacuse it has happend to me where i get to upses in how i look that i start nip picking at my body. And it ruines my cycle.

Give us more detail on diet.

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when you take something like mk2866, its designed to preserve muscle, even if in a caloric deficit.. the scale will not be your friend but your body fat % will show in how it drops as well as how your physique in general looks... also, by week 3 you are barely letting it begin to work... im not the one to ask about keto either because i despise the diet... have you had your body fat measured?
Would you elaborate on why you dislike the diet? Yes, I fully understand it's your opinion and I watched the vid providing the facts. I'd really like to understand the possible negatives to the diet. I know from experience the ability to complete a high intensity workout is impeded. That alone is obviously a negative, I can't even look at the 100lb db's I was pressing about a month ago. I'm just looking at options going forward and I hope the OP would be interested as well, I always feel like I'm hijacking but this seems relevant. Given that freerein is using sarms, I'd think he'd benefit from some good carbs especially post workout.
Godlikebeast, I feel you are correct about me fixating on the scale and mirror. I feel stress at this point I guess. As far as my diet goes, I dropped about 20 pounds and felt better and more satisfied by doing a Keto approach. I have been really hesitant to introduce a significant amount of carbs. However, before my weight loss, my gym time was non existent. Now that I'm in the gym 6 days a week. 3 days of weight training with 3 days of Hiit. Maybe I do need the extra clean carbs. I don't feel like I'm struggling with the workouts, actually I feel pretty good. Dylan, I have not had my BF measured. I plan on getting it done. Like you said, I'm going to let this play out without stressing much about it.

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Would you elaborate on why you dislike the diet? Yes, I fully understand it's your opinion and I watched the vid providing the facts. I'd really like to understand the possible negatives to the diet. I know from experience the ability to complete a high intensity workout is impeded. That alone is obviously a negative, I can't even look at the 100lb db's I was pressing about a month ago. I'm just looking at options going forward and I hope the OP would be interested as well, I always feel like I'm hijacking but this seems relevant. Given that freerein is using sarms, I'd think he'd benefit from some good carbs especially post workout.

[FONT=&quot]Once your body enters ketosis, you also begin to lose muscle, become extremely fatigued, and eventually enter starvation mode. Then it actually becomes even harder to lose weight.. Low carb diets are NOT sustainable whatsoever either... they are unhealthy and you will eventually be worse off than when you began... [/FONT]
Your Fat intake is way too high at 50 % ?? Why are your meals that high in fat ? If your looking to lose it, then your intake of fat should be around 15-20 %. Raise your protein to 50-55%.
Your Fat intake is way too high at 50 % ?? Why are your meals that high in fat ? If your looking to lose it, then your intake of fat should be around 15-20 %. Raise your protein to 50-55%.

Not too high as he is on a keto diet, if anything 50% is too low, now whether a keto diet is a good diet that's another discussion
Not too high as he is on a keto diet, if anything 50% is too low, now whether a keto diet is a good diet that's another discussion
exactly, im sorry but i dont give a shit what diet it is, thats too much fat when you are trying to lose weight... i HATE this fucking diet
From the pics I can see the 20% bf. Probly damn close.

The keto. It needs work. 50% fats is not ideal. Yes on keto you boost fats to withstand the depletion of carbs. But that's too much and I'm curious as to what fats you are eating.

When I keto. I'm more like 65% protein 30% fats and 5% carbs.

Fats being cooking with gso avocado or healthy home made guacamole that I make so I know what's in it. Some bacon in the am. A few pieces. Protein burgers with cheese and lettuce or no bun. 8 egg whites and sometimes I'll toss in one yoke. Almonds. Dry roasted. No salt. Natural peanut butter has nice fats in it too.

And most people on keto think they are having 5% carbs. But you have to really look at what you are ingesting. You can have 100g a carbs in a day without even knowing it.

Keto is a strict life. It commands your respect or it won't work.

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Fats are coming from Coconut Oil , BP Brain Octain, Grass Fed Butter and Beef, Salmon, Avacado. All clean and quality. I will make those adjustments. Thanks.

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And I assume you measure. As it's 1oz. Has 38g cholesterol. The butter that is

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