
Crushing estrogen


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Been running my AI's but obviously I missed cacultated as I found a small limp on the outer portion of my left pec this morning. I check every time I take a shower while on cycle. Obviously I want to deal with this now. Is there a protocol for this type of situation. I have Aramosin on hand, I already took 25mg this morning, I was thinking for the next two days do 25mg then 25mg EOD

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Before hand yes, I just started the cycle 9 days go so by the time I get the results the bump will be irreversible without letro. I have no choice but to crush this shit right now.

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And the letro treatment crushes estrogen like a mofo, and is a month long protocol, that isn't guaranteed to work. Identifying it early and treating it early is the best recourse in my opinion.

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I was at 40 so high normal, it's there, unless it's the most narly zit ever. I'm not a novice, it's high estrogen definitely. Acne past wo days has been ten fold another sign of estrogen

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What are you running and what was your Aromasin dose?
Test Cyp 400mg and Tren Ace 100mg EOd. Aramosin is 12.5 EOD and .5 Caber twice a week. I suspect my aramosin is under dosed. This does make sense since I'm a TRT guy.

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Test Cyp 400mg and Tren Ace 100mg EOd. Aramosin is 12.5 EOD and .5 Caber twice a week. I suspect my aramosin is under dosed. This does make sense since I'm a TRT guy.

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That makes sense. You're not running anything crazy so that asin dose "should" be fine if it's properly dosed. You're 9 days in so I'm assuming you started your AI with your cycle.
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I'd order from sarmsx, double the dose until that gets delivered and get blood work. You caught it early so while it still sucks, it will be a lot easier to get rid of
I'd just run 25mg ed for a few days then go to 25mg EOD after that and stay at that dose. See how that treats you

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
i would go 25 mg every day 4-7 days, then scale back to every other day at 25 mg for two weeks and get bloods again...
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