
Compound mix


New member
Hello I'm 25 year old going to be 26 , 6 foot , 165 pound weight , body fat 8% , been 4 years working hard, and I have a question bout this mix , test 250 & tren 350 & primo 700 . Would anything be need to run with ? Just to be on the safe side
Short answer; yes.

Long answer; in your case no. HELL NO. 6 foot 165 = far too undersized for AAS use. You have some serious holes in your diet and training games that you need to address before even considering juice.
bro, you are way way way way way too undersized.. . anyone with even half a brain would never recommend something so ridiculous to you.. you have to get some more size or you are going to wreck yourself in terms of joints, ligaments, tendons, bones, etc... far too much strain being that undersized... you will grow too fast and with that small of a frame, its a bad idea man... you should be 15-20 lbs bigger and due to that, the amount of growth you have with steroids will be higher and it will crush you internally..
Hello I'm 25 year old going to be 26 , 6 foot , 165 pound weight , body fat 8% , been 4 years working hard, and I have a question bout this mix , test 250 & tren 350 & primo 700 . Would anything be need to run with ? Just to be on the safe side

You have no business messing with steroids whatsoever based on those stats, especially Tren. You need to learn how to eat properly for gains it looks like to me
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