
Collective input


New member
I've been doing research into SARMs but between multiple resources (being both forums and articles), I need the collective advise of the group.

So, kindly provide input on the following:

1. SINGLE best SARM for cutting?
2. SINGLE best SARM for putting on mass?

Thank you!
I've been doing research into SARMs but between multiple resources (being both forums and articles), I need the collective advise of the group.

So, kindly provide input on the following:

1. SINGLE best SARM for cutting?
2. SINGLE best SARM for putting on mass?

Thank you!


sarms are best stacked, and those are just based on your question. Obvioulsy it's ideal to curtail a stack optimized to your goal. For example, if you were looking to Recomp LGD and S4 is an incredible combo.
I certainly understand there exists a synergistic effect between two SARMs when taken. Is it such to the point that any one SARM by itself has little to no effect on its own?
sarms are best stacked, and those are just based on your question. Obvioulsy it's ideal to curtail a stack optimized to your goal. For example, if you were looking to Recomp LGD and S4 is an incredible combo.[/QUOTE]

Also, is GW capable of burning bodyfat in the absence of a calorie deficit?
I certainly understand there exists a synergistic effect between two SARMs when taken. Is it such to the point that any one SARM by itself has little to no effect on its own?

They absolutely have an effct on their own. No doubt about it, but Obvioulsy if you were cutting it would be ideal to take GW to burn fat and then something anabolic to preserve muscle like S4, mk2866 etc. Thats where the synergy comes
sarms are best stacked, and those are just based on your question. Obvioulsy it's ideal to curtail a stack optimized to your goal. For example, if you were looking to Recomp LGD and S4 is an incredible combo.

Also, is GW capable of burning bodyfat in the absence of a calorie deficit?[/QUOTE]

It can help burn fat to a certain degree, but Obvioulsy if you are eating at a surplus I wouldn't expect any fat loss on it. It would help,keep fat gain off but not make you lean if you are taking in too many calories. By the same token, if you were eating at are basically as,ing GW to do all the work for you on fat loss so the results would not be near as good as a defecit
when you run them on their own, you are getting there specific benefits, which are definitely large... when you stack them, you are getting the main benefits from each... the beauty of them is that many carry some of the same benefits however some are far more potent than others in certain areas....
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