
Clomid or Nolvadex for PCT? A new video by Dylan Gemelli

Do you want to know the difference between clomid and nolvadex? Do you wonder which is the better option for PCT? Watch my new video to find out all the answers to these questions and more...

Clomid or Nolvadex for PCT...

Another very informative video Dylan. I think there is a lot of people that get confused on these two Serms, and what the benefits or both are. This video really helps bring that to light

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Great video!!! I enjoy these so much. So would you suggest even with a sarms stack to use both or just clomid?
For a sarms stack all you really need is clomid along with a little GW because of the low suppression of sarms

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I also see Ostarine included in a lot of Dylan's suggestions for PCT. I know it is mildly suppressive as well, but am also curious about more information on its role in PCT. Loved this video, Dylan- great bit of info.

Sidenote: I'd really like to see a video on Tbol/Winny combined along the same lines as the one you did for Anavar/Winny. A whole stacking/synergy series would be awesome!
Great video!!! I enjoy these so much. So would you suggest even with a sarms stack to use both or just clomid?

thanks brother! honestly, with a sarms stack you only need one... my preference is clomid on that one but you can use either... you don't need two though... only with anabolics
I also see Ostarine included in a lot of Dylan's suggestions for PCT. I know it is mildly suppressive as well, but am also curious about more information on its role in PCT. Loved this video, Dylan- great bit of info.

Sidenote: I'd really like to see a video on Tbol/Winny combined along the same lines as the one you did for Anavar/Winny. A whole stacking/synergy series would be awesome!

hey brother... there's really nothing different to cover with tbol and winstrol except doses... 30 mg of tbol and 25 of winstrol... its not a favorable method of things so i dont want to insinuate im advocating it but i get so many damn questions on stacking orals that i felt it necessary to do one for everyone so i dont anticipate too many of those...

mk2866 is not suppressive at 4 weeks of use in any way... bloodwork confirms this every time.. it plays a huge role in pct.. it helps to not only keep your strength up in pct but aids HUGE in recovery, keeping off cortisol issues, preventing catabolism and increasing your feeling of overall well being as well
If you already used MK2866 as part of your 8-12 week cycle should u also include it in your PCT at a lower dose?
If you already used MK2866 as part of your 8-12 week cycle should u also include it in your PCT at a lower dose?
It depends on how long you ran it. If you ran it 8 weeks, then continue into pct. After 12 weeks of use, you need a 2-3 week break

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
If you already used MK2866 as part of your 8-12 week cycle should u also include it in your PCT at a lower dose?

rick gave you the answer brother... you should not exceed 12 weeks of continuous use but if you only use 8 weeks then absolutely keep it in pct...
Awesome vid Dylan.. All this content you're releasing is very informative brother. It takes allot of time to put all this together and I'm sure all of the members really appreciate it.
sorry I understand for a pct but What can i use on a sarm cycle to keep estrogen to a minimum? or even block estrogen seems to run high in my body. Trying to max out my gains when I run the next cycle. Thanks much love still learning everyday sorry for the ignorance thats why i joined the forms to learn from you guys.
I'm curious to know your thoughts on clomid being prescribed as a TRT option. It seems that it effectively raises total T levels at a low daily dose.. But in terms of sense of well being it's just not the same as real testosterone replacement therapy. I think this is more of a best practices approach for younger guys so they don't have to make the jump to real TRT just yet.

Length of time doesn't seem to be detrimental as far as using clomid as a replacement therapy.. But does it negatively effect GH levels, igf-1 and, my last argument we would be that's its carcinogenic for a long period of time, but maybe that's false...?
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