I am 23 and my BTI is 20, 5'3 and 117LBS(as of today). I only been training for 2 years.
I started out with liquid clen 200mcg and I was told to take 3 pumps twice a day 5 days a week and I would take a break from clen Saturday and Sunday. However, I wasnt feeling the clen so I amped up to 7 pumps twice a day for 5 days. The side effects didnt bother me at all, my friend who i work out with said he felt like his heart was going to explode just with 3 pumps and he stopped, that never phase me, after i would take clen i would get so tired and take a nap LOL.. I started seeing results with it right away in the beginning but after i started taking it for a while i guess my body got use to the clen? because with those 7 pumps i wasnt feeling anything so i stopped all together.
My diet is clean, i meal prep i make sure my protein intake is high. My goal really is to loose body fat and tone up. After I stopped the clen i became so hungry and gained the weight back, so now i'm looking for a fat burner and something to tone my body. I'm not lazy I enjoy working out.. I heard about T3 and anavar