
CJC Dac and IGF LR3 recon question


New member

Longtime fan and follower man. I'm cruising on 250 test cyp for the next 8 weeks. While I'm cruising, I want to add:

Mk-677 12.5 ed at bed time
CJC Dac 2mg e3d
IGF LR3 50-75 mcg

My IGF vial is 1mg. I have 1ml 27G 1/2" pin. I put in 1ML of bac water. I think I just created 25mcg for every 1 tick mark on my pin. Can you check my math?

My CjC is 2mg vial. If put in 1ml of bac water, the calculator says 1000mcg would be tick mark #25. To get 2mg (or 2000 mcg) I would pull back to # tick mark 50 and jab. That seem like a lot of peptide but I could be wrong.

you need to run 677 25 mg per day and you do not want to take it near bed time or it could have a negative interaction with your sleep... where did you get your 677 why are you using these peptides? you could do so much more with a sarms stack with trt.. watch my video on sarms with trt..
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