
Can Clomid counteract mild suppression?


New member
Hi dylan, joe from canada here, watch alot of your videos and appreciate you quailty and honest content. Me question today is? Could Clomid be used to offset the suppression caused by sarms such as rad 140. My experience with sarms is that the suppressed me enough that my doctor noticed it on my blood work and I felt pretty awful after a few weeks. I'm certain the sarms I have are legit. Maybe I'm just more sensitive. Just curious if Clomid could be used to counteract the suppression while on the cycle. Could Clomid be used by a healthy male to boost test levels to higher levels (with in reason) and would running a compound like rad 150 for a short amount of time like 4 to 6 weeks help prevent the suppression I got. Just a note my test levels were low. My doctor wants me to see a specialist defiantly suppressed but not shut down like a steriod or prohormone would cause. Since then i ran a pct of test booster and increased my vitamin d and i feel great after 3 weeks.Thanks for your time and wisdom on a subject I can't get an answer too
you would not use clomid on cycle and rad in a pure form is NOT that suppressive at all, not at all.. its very very mild in terms of suppression... you do run clomid in pct but for you to act as though thats normal is not true at all... every sarm cycle i recommend, i always have people run my dga post ct to mitigate any amount of on cycle suppression... here is the link...
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