
Can anyone recommend OCT and PCT?


New member
Hello, All.

I am interested in doing a cycle of 1 Andro and I was hoping that someone could be kind enough to recommend a quality OCT and PCT? There are so many out there. Thanks in advance for any help.

A little background... I am a 44 year old that been working out religiously for almost four years after about a 10 year layoff do to an injury.
Don't waste your hard earned cash on 1 Andro. Try sarms if you want something that will actually work.
Why do you want to use 1andro bro? It's not worth it at all and a complete waste. You'd be much better off going with sarms. What are your complete stats and goals?
oh good lord man... just go to the store, get some sugar, buy some plain capsules and fill them and wahla... you now have 1 andro
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