I always hate hearing how some guys just can't grow their calves. That's a lie. Here is a pic of me on the right and my Pops' calves on the left from yesterday. He hasn't lifted in over 20 years. He was a powerlifter from 79-95. No national name.. Just a strong Ox in the gym. Anyway, being over 6 feet tall has its disadvantages to bodybuilding. But.. I hit calves fucking heavy and hard because I know they need weight to stimulate growth. Dudes that sit there with a 45lb plate on calf raises aren't getting results because well obviously. I personally believe that genetics play a role in the O/I and some shape of the muscle.... NOT necessarily the growth. My calves are around 20.5 inches. My Dad's are around 18. He said his biggest were never over 20. That's proof that you can beat a genetic growth limit. SO KEEP FUCKING TRAINING HEAVY.
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