


Was wondering if anyone had any feedback on when the best time to run a bridge would be after 12 week cycle of Deca, Test and EQ.
I know time on equals time off so with PCT im looking at about 18 weeks off.
At what point during those 18 weeks would it be safe and beneficial to run a bridge.
Literally right after PCT? There is no need to let test levels normalize? Thank you for the reply.
yes, literally right after pct... thats always been the way to do it and recovery has always been smooth as can be...
So if I do a bridge right after PCT of LGD 4033, S4 and MK-2866 won't I be getting some suppression? I am wondering bc I want to make sure I am recovered from my cycle by getting my blood work done. Research is saying 4 weeks post PCT is minimum to see if you have recovered and show accurate levels.
So if I do a bridge right after PCT of LGD 4033, S4 and MK-2866 won't I be getting some suppression? I am wondering bc I want to make sure I am recovered from my cycle by getting my blood work done. Research is saying 4 weeks post PCT is minimum to see if you have recovered and show accurate levels.
During the cycle there will be some suppression, yes...but when you start the cycle you should be recovered assuming you ran the proper pct
So if I do a bridge right after PCT of LGD 4033, S4 and MK-2866 won't I be getting some suppression? I am wondering bc I want to make sure I am recovered from my cycle by getting my blood work done. Research is saying 4 weeks post PCT is minimum to see if you have recovered and show accurate levels.
sarms take a good 5-6 weeks to show any signs of suppression and that's why you are able to start them right after you complete your pct from an anabolic cycle...
Ok great, I knew MK-2866 only showed suppression after 5ish weeks but just wanted to make sure since i'll be stacking with the other SARMS thank you for the quick reply!
Ok great, I knew MK-2866 only showed suppression after 5ish weeks but just wanted to make sure since i'll be stacking with the other SARMS thank you for the quick reply!
it was a great question bro... im happy to help
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