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AznMike's LGD+S4+GW+EC Stack Log


New member
Hey My names Mike and I have been a long time lurker to all the forums that Dylan and RickRock have pretty much been in. I have read countless logs starting from the days of when I took prohormones (Helladrol) back when they were good. I will be posting this same log on multiple sites but I might stick to AdrenalineRushForums for now and just copy/paste my log to other sites once I hit the 3 week log. This will make it easier for me since updating a log on multiple sites is too time consuming for the initial 3 weeks and I have been a long time fan of Dylan since out of all the sites I've been to, he is the one who has given me the most help thanks to all his posts and videos (Thanks Dylan!). The reason why I'm logging is because thanks to all the other user's who have logged their work, I am able to study up on the "Gear" that I am interested in taking. If it weren't for the countless people who logged their work, and for the people like Dylan who help people with any questions they have and Youtube videos with tons of facts, a lot of people would be in the blind on wtf we are about to put in our body. Knowledge is power and knowledge is greatly needed when it comes to playing in this field since the risk of potentially messing up your body is a very real scenario. Again, I would like to thank Dylan and all the other countless users who have been on this train ride since the days of prohormones. We are a special breed of people who all believe in the one goal of bettering our bodies and pushing it to the limits they were meant to be pushed. It takes a special type of individual to make himself a lab rat hahaha. Anyways, onto the log. I will be doing a log every 2-3 days since it will be easier on me. Also, please judge my PCT that I currently have. I know a lot of you will probably tell me to throw in some products such as HC Generate into my cycle and I plan on doing so once next paycheck hits (This Friday). Out of all the threads I've read, people keep bouncing back between 40/40/20/20 and 20/20/20/20 for Nolva during PCT. What would you experts recommend?

LGD + GW + EC stack + S4 (S4 to be added 2nd week) Log

Gear: LGD (10mg ED after initial week) |GW (20mg ED), EC stack (25mg+200), and S4 (25mg AM, 25mg PM. S4 to be added during 2nd week)

On Cycle: Animal Pak, Liver support, Taurine and other supplements you would normally take.

PCT: Nolva 20/20/20/20 (should I do 20 the first 2 weeks or should I do 40?)

Stats: 27 | 5’7 | 163lbs | ~11.5-13% body fat

EXP: 6 years of lifting experience fluctuating between 150-175lbs. I was 175lbs at my heaviest after a prohormone cycle back when they were good (helladrol). However, due to my job in foreign countries such as Iraq or Afghanistan working as a contractor doing IT work, I would go on month long vacations to places like Thailand and I would go on the alcohol diet and just not eat food like an idiot so I would lose all my gains and go back to my normal average bodyweight of 150-155 lbs. I’ve always hovered around 11-12% bodyfat and my lowest being at about 8.5% at 147lbs when I actually ran a “cut” cycle and gave it an honest try.

Pictures: I will upload starting pictures on Sunday. I already took the pictures but I need to get on my computer which is currently being held ransom in my friend’s car who is out of town.

Goals: My Goal on this cycle is to recomp. I'd like to do reduce my bodyfat to about the 10% or below range as well as get some lean gains I've been hearing about from these SARMS.

5mg LGD AM | 20mg GW and EC stack preworkout

I took my LGD in the morning before work and I felt great today. I know that it’s supposed increase your overall well-being and I know that it’s my first dose but I know for a fact that this was the LGD and not a placebo effect. I would get random “flows” of feel-good chills throughout the day. I know that makes no sense but compare it to a pee chill that runs through your entire body but swap it out with this “feel-good” sensation instead. I did get a mild headache but I’ve read that a lot of people get this initially and then it goes away.
I took 20mg of GW and my EC stack (25mg/200mg) thirty minutes prior to working out in the evening. The reason why I take the EC stack is because it makes a great preworkout for me and it works great so why not add it in to the cycle ya know? Obviously I have felt no strength gains yet since it’s the first day however my endurance and stamina were up there. I have taken GW before for a month with an EC stack but I had to stop and I felt the endurance increase on the 2nd day but maybe since I took LGD and GW my endurance immediately increased. I was at the gym for a good two hours and I’m usually only in there for about an hour since I was only doing shoulders/traps and deadlifting. My rest between sets were only a minute most of the time as opposed to the average two minute rest I would take. I wanted to stay and keep going but man my muscles were beat and worn out. I’m kind of doing my own regiment that involves a mix of my first exercise being in the 3-5 reps for strength (5 reps for all 3 sets means move up in weight) and then the rest of the 3-5 exercises are usually in the 8-12 rep range for muscle. It’s almost like the Power, Muscle, Burn regiment but I usually don’t do the Burn part. I usually go about five days a week to hit all my body parts but I might change that to 6 days a week due to the stamina and endurance effects of GW and LGD. I’m usually pretty lazy about cardio but I’m going to start doing cardio about 2-3 times a week (rotating 2-3 miles runs and Stadiums).
I will start posting stats of my lifts after I hit the official 1 week point since that’s the average before people feel increases to their lifts.
This was a long post since it was my first one so the other ones will be shorter. I will probably log 2-3 days at a time since that will make it easier on me. As for the source of my SARMS, I have tried their GW and liquid Tada and I was impressed both times. I want to at least get to week 3 before I expose my source because I want to know if this is some legit shit. I tell you what though, their customer service is unbelievable and they will get back to you right away if something happens to your order and the prices aren’t bad.

7mg LGD AM | 20mg GW and EC stack preworkout

Took my LGD in the morning upon waking up and did a breast cancer awareness walk. Felt great again and had a good overall mood. Went to the gym to do back however today was more of a “maintain” day for me. Still no noticeable strength gains (even though today was a maintain day) but I definitely felt the stamina increase again. I was doing my sets a lot faster than usual since recovery for my muscles took no time at all. The real gym days start Sunday which is the beginning of my week which is Legs. Today was supposed to be my rest day but man the LGD made me want to go to the gym and lift so I gave in and lifted. I didn’t do any deadlifts since it was a maintain day because I wanted to save my legs for Legs tomorrow. As I said, I will give numbers after a week. Actually what I will do is give numbers for my main strength lifts starting tomorrow on squats. Because of the recovery speed, I’m thinking about doing 4 days on, 1 day off (cardio on my day off as well as cardio on one of those 4 days) so I can train each muscle group more during the cycle. We will see since it’s still the initial week. My S4 should be coming in at the beginning of next week so I might add it earlier instead of waiting the full week. Till next time!
hahaha wow I totally meant RickRock, Jesus my bad, I'm really tired right now and writing all that was a great task.
Rick "Rock" here to follow ya buddy lol. Glad I could be of assistance to you in the past, and I can help you with anything you need in the future.

You are in the right place with AR. There's no reason to even go anywhere else. This place is awesome as it gets I guarantee it.

Are your sarms from pure essence? If so you are in fir a real treat!
Day 3
8mg LGD AM | 20mg GW + EC (25/200) preworkout

Instead of Legs I ended up doing just bi's. Felt a little down due to a slight cold I seemed to be catching but today it seems to be going away. I got a slight headache again right before the gym and it could be because im slowly increasing the dosage of my LGD and not to mention I'm taking it with an EC stack. Nothing too bad and it went away halfway through my gym session. As usual, my endurance and stamina were great and I didn't really notice any strength gains yet but my pumps are starting to get stronger. After some sets I really had to stretch my arms out. As I said, I'm only going to record my main exercises when it comes my lifts.

I did about 5 exercises for bi's and below is my main lift.
Alternating DB Curls: warmup then 4 working sets of 45lbs x 5. I will be moving up the next time I do these to 50lbs and we will see where I stand then since the LGD should be taking effect by then. I will be mixing up my main strength workouts with BB and DB. I usually rotate them because too much BB gets my left elbow flaring but who knows with the LGD this might stop!

Day 4
9mg LGD AM | 20mg GW and EC Stack preworkout

Woke up and took my 9mg of LGD and went to work. Did Chest and man I was loving it. No headaches at all too so I'm guessing my body is starting to get used to it. I ended up working out at my friends gym instead and they were very limited on squat racks so we ended up doing Chest. I will be doing Legs on Day 5 though. As usual my endurance and stamina were high and only getting higher. The pumps are slowly getting more and more ridiculous that I am having to stretch it out a lot more now after each set. The pump post gym lasted a lot longer than usual and my chest still looked pumped throughout the night. My buddies gym was a little ridiculous since they didn't have any DumbBells over 100lbs which was really disappointing so I ended up just doing the 100's trying to go to the 6-8 rep range. I think I'm starting to feel a slight strength increase because I usually don't do 100lb DB's for 6-8, the last time I did that it was 90lbs for about 8 reps for 3 sets. However my last max strength for Flat DB Chest press was 105lbs for 4 sets of 5. As usual, I'm only going to list my first exercise on here.

Flat DB Bench Press: 3 warm-up sets and then 5 working sets of 100lbs (8,7,7,7,6)

P.S. I prefer Flat DB presses over flat BB presses because for whatever reason (I believe its how far forward my shoulders are overall) I feel DB presses wayyyyy more than BB. Whenever I do flat BB bench press I always feel like I'm never activating my chest enough no matter how good or what form I use. But as a side-note, I did flat BB bench press last week before I started the cycle and I did 225lbs for 4 sets of 5,5,4,4. I still feel the other BB presses correctly though its only when I do Flat BB that I have this issue.

Till next time!
On my first cycle too bro, will follow your tread for support and ideas of what to expect since you are ahead of me on this. Please don't hold back on details, any info will be greatly appreciated.

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Day 3
8mg LGD AM | 20mg GW + EC (25/200) preworkout

Instead of Legs I ended up doing just bi's. Felt a little down due to a slight cold I seemed to be catching but today it seems to be going away. I got a slight headache again right before the gym and it could be because im slowly increasing the dosage of my LGD and not to mention I'm taking it with an EX stack. Nothing too bad and it went away halfway through my gym session. As usual, my endurance and stamina were great and I didn't really notice any strength gains yet but my pumps are starting to get stronger. After some sets I really had to stretch my arms out. As I said, I'm only going to record my main exercises when it comes my lifts.

I did about 5 exercises for bi's and below is my main lift.
Alternating DB Curls: warmup then 4 working sets of 45lbs x 5. I will be moving up the next time I do these to 50lbs and we will see where I stand then since the LGD should be taking effect by then. I will be mixing up my main strength workouts with BB and DB. I usually rotate them because too much BB gets my left elbow flaring but who knows with the LGD this might stop!

Day 4 (only half my day still)
9mg LGD AM | I will b taking 20mg GW and EC Stack

Woke up and took my LGD and currently at work. I will update this log tonight once I am finished with my day.

I appreciate your attention to detail brother, your log looks great, and you are off to a very good start. Everything is just starting, so it will only get better as you progress through. I looking forward to those updates and seeing how this treats you. If you have any questions along the way, don't hesitate to ask buddy!
I updated my Day 4 log and added a goals section to my original post which is to recomp. Ever since I lost all my weight like an idiot during those vacations, I have slowly but surely been trying to gain my weight and muscle back. Pictures of me before the cycle are below. I need to dim the lighting down some and get in closer which I will do when I post some update pictures up after week 2 finishes.

Stock photos no pump and no "flexing". Tinypic won't stop making my last 2 pics sideways so I gave up. I had a lot of sodium and water intake that day because my abs usually pop out at least!



Sorry for the delay on the update for the last 3 days, Been really hectic at work and at home but here it is! Also, these are going to be short and not as detailed but I'm going to start updating my log everyday from now on if I can and then start following and posting on other user's logs. I would like to be more active on these forums but it has just been hectic lately. IF you have any questions, feel free to ask away and I will answer them the best I can.

10mg LGD AM | 20mg GW + EC stack preworkout

So here I am walking on campus (I work at a University) when some chick on a bike comes crashing into my back left side of my body. I thought I was alright but my leg was feeling a little "weird" specifically my left knee but nothing too bad. I ended up doing legs and I couldn't go as heavy as I wanted since my left knee was slightly irritated. As far as negative sides go, I have had none so far! I think my body has become accustomed to the SARMS by now. I'm not even going to bother with my lifts for legs such as squats since I was only doing 215lbs due to the knee irritation I had. The stamina and endurance is only getting better as the days go by my body is starting to look more "pumped" thoughout the day and is starting to slowly look tighter. I'm really starting to love this!

Day 6
10mg LGD AM | 20mg GW + EC Stack preworkout

Today I felt great. My mood was good the entire day, I felt happier than usual and all day I was excited to go to the gym since it was going to be Triceps day (my bread and butter). I haven't started my routine I wanted too yet since I have been SO SORE this past week from pushing myself so hard. Hopefully by the middle of week 2 I will be on full beast mode. After work I went to the gym and did triceps. I was on FIRE today at the gym. The last PR I hit for triceps was when I did hanging tricep dips with three 45lb weights (135lbs) attached to me via a belt. I did that for four sets of 5. My elbow sometimes feels irritated or "worn" out from going this heavy so I'm taking a break from it for 3 weeks. I will be doing tricep dips again on my next triceps day. I rotate close grip bench (last PR was 3 x 5 - 225lbs), Hanging tricep dips, and skull crushers when it comes to "strength". I ended up doing incline skull crushers for my first tricep workout. I did about 5 exercises but I'm only going to notate the first one.

Incline skullcrushers: 5 x 5 - 105lbs

Day 7
10mg LGD AM | 25mg GW + EC preworkout

Today felt great again, went to work then went to the gym. Everything is still sore that its ridiculous. I ended up doing Biceps and core since everything else was still wrecked. It was a great gym session though and I'm definitely starting to feel the strength increase more. my last bicep day I did alternating DB curls for 5x5 - 45lbs. I really need to get those grips that clip on to the DB and adds 2.5lbs to it since 5lbs is really a huge jump however I ended up doing the 50lbs weights and just using the "arnold cheat" way where I would give it a little bit of momentum to get past the beginning after I was worn out from the first few reps.

Alternating DB Curl: 4 x 5 - 50lbs (3rd and 4th set I had to cheat just a tiny bit on the 4th and 5th rep to get past the sticking point at the bottom).
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