So there were some fair concerns brought up today about aromatase inhibitor dosing and recommendations, some very fair and some that need to be addressed... I get caught up in the fact that i CONTINUOUSLY recommend and try to instill the understanding that blood work is NECESSARY pre, mid and obviously post cycle... People take this for granted and do not understand the reasoning or simply are just careless.. one of the biggest reasons is for estrogen monitoring... It is NOT FAIR for me or anyone else to tell someone that just because myself or themselves had a certain experience to base their decision on that... Some people are extremely estrogen prone... I have people that are on TRT and have gyno problems and others that can run 750 mg of test per week and really dont even need arimidex... Doses that are given are GENERAL bases for what MOST people are ok with, or more or less a STARTING POINT but ARE NOT the end all be all... When anyone uses anabolics, you MUST understand that EVERYONE is different... its very important we all share our experiences with one another and learn from that and use them as tools but you have to do whats best for YOUR own body which NOONE here nor ANYWHERE can tell you but you... thats why we have different options, different protocols etc... when a pct is recommended, you can adjust your aromasin dose... it DOES NOT have to stay 12.5 mg eod the entire time or even part of it if you dont need it but it would be smart to use it to prevent any sort of rebound as well as increasing igf levels, which leads to a quicker recovery but if your estrogen is crushed, clearly you would avoid it during.. Arimidex is not beneficial to prevent rebound, which is documented and it can also hurt lipids which YOU DO NOT WANT during pct... thats why it is not used there... Everything is PERSON TO PERSON specific so it should be noted in recommendations to (assess as you go) when that dose is given and we should all make that change but just because one person had a good or bad experience DOES NOT hold true for everyone.. YOU HAVE TO LEARN YOUR BODY, MAKE ADJUSTMENTS AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, DO BLOODWORK!!