
Appetite suppressant phendimetrazine or Phentermine


Anyone here have any experience with these 2 compounds and anyone know a good source who has the appetite suppressants phendimetrazine or Phentermine?
I've used both, I love the appetite suppression from them. I don't have a source for either though, I usually just ask my Dr for a script and get it when I want it. I agree with NY it is very taxing on your cardio system. I have found a product called Synedrex that gives good appetite suppression for OTC
Ephedrine in the Bronkaid form really suppresses my appetite.

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I do not know exactly where to get these, but why not go with ECA stack? That's also very effective for appetite suppression

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Eat more leafy greens. Healthiest option to help stay full.

Sent from the NY ROBO house of GAINZZZZ

i agree... whats with the need for dependency on fucking amphetamines to help control appetite... what happened to self control??? does it exist? it does in my world
If you diet properly and understand nutrition you dont need a suppresant your most likely taking your calories too low or not balancing differant macrontruients properly if your not able too control it and hunger is too strong your results will not be maintainable because your metabolism will be fucked and youll likely start binging I see this constantly improper dieting they get shredded then there 20 lbs heavier with a new eating disorder just bad .
I actually understand it quite well. Its EQ making me hungry. Its no placebo either unfortunately. I opted to get a drug called Belviq which is not an amphetamine. I am not going to quit EQ. Its not that expensive and I can get it domestically.
Are you running EQ in a cutting cycle the increased vascularity looks cool but it makes the diet pretty rough I only use it with deca for gains so Im ea t ing plenty of food and actually have too force feed meals
Anyone here have any experience with these 2 compounds and anyone know a good source who has the appetite suppressants phendimetrazine or Phentermine?
Pharma Lady has Sibutramine if you're interested in alternative...

Pharma Lady Rep
i agree... whats with the need for dependency on fucking amphetamines to help control appetite... what happened to self control??? does it exist? it does in my world

Totally agree with you. The purpose we are doing this sport is to live longer and be healthier(at least that's the reason i'm doing it). The moment we stop doing that is not considered a sport anymore. Doing drugs just to suppress you appetite is just fucking wrong when you can eat healthy or find other solutions to do that(for example gradually reduce your food intake). But this is just my opinion.
Well health is important I wont get too self rightous here as a competative bodybuilder anyone who has been through a contest prep and says theres anything healthy about it is lying to themself theres a balance and take care of yourself and make sure you dont overdue it but having a BMI of 37 at 2 percent bodyfat is not HEALTHY want a pro card thats what is required
Well health is important I wont get too self rightous here as a competative bodybuilder anyone who has been through a contest prep and says theres anything healthy about it is lying to themself theres a balance and take care of yourself and make sure you dont overdue it but having a BMI of 37 at 2 percent bodyfat is not HEALTHY want a pro card thats what is required

Pro bodybuilding is not healthy you're right here but doing steroids to get to a level that you can't get naturally is totally different than taking amphetamines to supress your appetite. According to your logic i would recomend heroin, it would relax you after workout and it would also help you lose few lb or maybe ATP in your muscle(if you understand my sarcasm here).
The OP is just trying to find a source for an appetite suppressant. We don't really need to get into a big debate about whether you agree with him or not. That's just my opinion...

Pharma Lady Rep
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I didnt reccomend anything bro all I said was Im not gonna tell anybody what too do when Ive done worse is it the best choice no. But Dr's perscribe phen like candy too treat obesity he wasnt asking for dnp or anything I gabe my 2 cents about proper nutrition and why he shouldnt use that as a cruch. But I wasnt gonna beat him up over it

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I took Phen for approx 7 months I went from 155 to 120 pnds I loved it but I stopped taking it because I started experiencing strong side effects. Initially, even the side effects were great, at the beginning I felt motivated, energetic, my senses were sharper and had no appetite at all, the only adverse sides effects were dry mouth, restless legs and difficulty sleeping. However by the end of the first 5 months I became irritable, depressed, I had neckaches and felt so much pressure and stress right after taking the pill (37.5) besides the hair loss other terrible side effects were ear and abdominal pain and loss of memory. I became concerned and I stopped the treatment for 6 months because I read that you are supposed to take breaks and do not take phen consistently for a long time; I recovered all my weight; although the first 3 months my appetite didn’t increase considerably after the third month it did, I felt super tired so I stopped working out and started gaining weight quickly, the only positive side was that my memory improved and the ear, abdomen and neck aches stopped, my hair still falls but not as much as I decided to try one more time since I let my body rest for 6 months and I thought I can be back on phen for 3 months and loss some weight before I start experiencing the bad side effects; well, I was wrong, today is my third day on it and I have a horrible ear ache right now, I took a pain killer and I hope it helps soon. Also, I have experienced blurry vision for the last 3 days and I never linked it to phen. I can’t believe the intensity of this pain, and it happened after taking the pill this afternoon and it hasn’t gone away; has anyone else experienced this side effect? I am extremely disappointed because I won’t be able to continue my treatment with this kind of pain. Please reply with your experience and whether you found a solution to minimize the side effects. Thanks!
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