
Anyone familiar with mk 677 or have ever used it?


New member
From my research, my understanding is that Mk677 is not a sarm per se. However it is often referred to as a SARM. There are reports that it has amazing healing benefits and great for Joint pain. Can anyone comment or give their experience with it.
From my research, my understanding is that Mk677 is not a sarm per se. However it is often referred to as a SARM. There are reports that it has amazing healing benefits and great for Joint pain. Can anyone comment or give their experience with it.

Read Dylan's article on MK-677 which should answer your questions. Pure essence should have MK-677 very soon
^ Hey Rick, any word on the streets yet about/date PE dropping their MK6 ?
Last I heard it was around two more weeks. I know pure essence apologizes for the delay but it is expected in the near future
Last I heard it was around two more weeks. I know pure essence apologizes for the delay but it is expected in the near future

No worries for me, im a super patient person. I can wait for quality, and would always choose to. If not i would not force anything.. I rather eat food with the money than rush to buy some low quality shit, i have learned to be this way along the years and has served me very well.
All that I know is that it bloats you, increases hunger and will make you lethargic. Supposedly when you come off and drop the water you will get leaner
Hey Rick

Any chance SR9009 and RAD140 will be available when MK677 becomes available?
I will have to get confirmation from pure essence or Dylan on this, but I believe all 3 should be available around the same time frame.
My personal experience with MK677 was not very positive. First off, don't take this product when you are on a cut or have to limit your calories, I learned first hand this stuff will lower your blood sugar bad enough if you don't eat very much you will get hypoglycemic and bad hunger pains. I hardly ever felt refreshed waking up from MK677, not even close to the way I feel on Somatomax. Gains in the gym were modest, my opinion there is way better GH products out there and not worth taking MK, just my experience.
My personal experience with MK677 was not very positive. First off, don't take this product when you are on a cut or have to limit your calories, I learned first hand this stuff will lower your blood sugar bad enough if you don't eat very much you will get hypoglycemic and bad hunger pains. I hardly ever felt refreshed waking up from MK677, not even close to the way I feel on Somatomax. Gains in the gym were modest, my opinion there is way better GH products out there and not worth taking MK, just my experience.

Where did you get it from?
I for one cannot fathom the idea that somatomax would even compare to true mk677, but i have yet to experiment with somatomax personally.. interesting
Keep in mind, I don't have the best adrenal function. There have been people who suffered with adrenal fatigue and went into an adrenal crisis and have died from taking HGH. Remember, cortisol has a lot to do with regulating blood sugar, growth hormone increases will increase IGF-1 which structurally is very similar to Insulin. If cortisol is not regulated as in those with suboptimal adrenal function this can create a hypoglycemic event much easier than those with good adrenal function. I don't know if it's worth me pursuing HGH in any capacity due to this issue. I got my MK from a very reputable source OL.
My personal experience with MK677 was not very positive. First off, don't take this product when you are on a cut or have to limit your calories, I learned first hand this stuff will lower your blood sugar bad enough if you don't eat very much you will get hypoglycemic and bad hunger pains. I hardly ever felt refreshed waking up from MK677, not even close to the way I feel on Somatomax. Gains in the gym were modest, my opinion there is way better GH products out there and not worth taking MK, just my experience.
Very interesting. Anybody I've known to use MK-677 that was legit had a,very positive experience and nothing but great things to say about it
Keep in mind, I don't have the best adrenal function. There have been people who suffered with adrenal fatigue and went into an adrenal crisis and have died from taking HGH. Remember, cortisol has a lot to do with regulating blood sugar, growth hormone increases will increase IGF-1 which structurally is very similar to Insulin. If cortisol is not regulated as in those with suboptimal adrenal function this can create a hypoglycemic event much easier than those with good adrenal function. I don't know if it's worth me pursuing HGH in any capacity due to this issue. I got my MK from a very reputable source OL.

I have never heard of this or known of any such issues as such, be it may be dose dependent and extent of usage. I am only speaking for healthy users, but then unhealthy users should not be using unknown compounds such as mk677. One should be seeking medical guidance and supervision
Everyone knows adrenal dysfunction is a myth, what medical doctor is going to even give you a time of day to talk about adrenal dysfunction let alone even know what any non-FDA approved drug does on the human body. Tough one there. Don't get me wrong it did make me pretty lean even if I cheated with meals.
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