
Another sarms cycle question


Hey guys. 40 year old male here. I've done some sarms cycles in the past and was going to repeat my last cycle (RAD 140, S-4). I have some LGD laying around but my last labs showed my my free test at like 450 I believe

I'm wondering if I should repreat the S-4, RAD cycle as it was great last time but I wouldn't mind the LGD boost. Is the added suppresion from throwing LGD onto that stack ill advised considering my test numbers are not that high?
If your free test level is at 450 then that’s very very high. Are you on TRT? Ha with a free test level like that then you don’t need to worry about suppression lol
Ok I actually found my paperwork and it was 485 total testosterone. free test isn't listed anywhere else on the paperwork
485 is fine for your age.. id like it to be in the lower 600 range but you certainly are not low by any stretch... if you are worried about the suppression from lgd but want an added bump.. go with ac262 instead... it wont put on as much size but it will add a very good amount and is very low on sides
Ok that makes sense because a free test level that high natural is awesome lol. As Dylan said AC262 is a great option and I really enjoyed it when I ran it.
For general bulking, would you put your money into S-4 and Rad or Rad and AC262? My goals are just generally trying to put on bulk muscle. It isn't as easy as it was at 28... no shit, right?
Yeah I've run S-4 about 3-4 times before. The last time I used it (4 months ago) I started going above 50mg daily probably about week 6 and I didn't notice sides that bothered me at night until about week 10. Luckily I don't really have to drive at night so I just floored it in the gym and giggled when I couldn't see anything at night
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