
AI Help!?


I'm currently 1 week(3 injects.) in on a 300/wk of test cyp. My question/concern is that last night I took two tabs of aromasin (25/each) instead of my tbol dose. They look so similar I completely screwed up! What should I expect in terms of cons (since I'm sure there's no pros to this)? Thanks!!
I'm currently 1 week(3 injects.) in on a 300/wk of test cyp. My question/concern is that last night I took two tabs of aromasin (25/each) instead of my tbol dose. They look so similar I completely screwed up! What should I expect in terms of cons (since I'm sure there's no pros to this)? Thanks!!

you'll be fine if it's a fuck up...don't make that a habit, haha. just in a bout 2 days go to your normal dosing 12.5 eod
I'm currently 1 week(3 injects.) in on a 300/wk of test cyp. My question/concern is that last night I took two tabs of aromasin (25/each) instead of my tbol dose. They look so similar I completely screwed up! What should I expect in terms of cons (since I'm sure there's no pros to this)? Thanks!!
In the grand scope of things, this won't matter much so no need to overthink it. Just wait about 3 days and go back to 12.5mg EOD

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
bro just relax... your completely fine... just dont do it again or make it a habit, thats all... you are not going to see any adverse effects.. just calm it down...
They don't look that much alike. Put your glasses on bro. Next time it might be your wife's estrogen tabs, or birth control pills. DON"t make those kind of mistakes.
They don't look that much alike. Put your glasses on bro. Next time it might be your wife's estrogen tabs, or birth control pills. DON"t make those kind of mistakes.

LOL i agree... i have everything separated so precise... im the kind that has to have everything in a certain order etc... it never deviates or moves and if its touched or moved a fraction of a fucking inch, i know it...
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