Hi Dylan,
Love your utube content and find your information an excellent point of reference for guidance in making better decisions, on my journey into anabolics.
I have watched your video's on PCT and second cycle choices, I have a bit of a different situation to most which I will quickly outline to you now.
Age 51.
Height 6.2' Weight 102 kg Fat percentage 22.
Resistance training 2 years straight, lifetime on and off, ex military. Injuries L4 bulging disc, osteo arthritis in L Knee and hip.
Running Test since Jan 19 250 IU every 10 days. Was running sust 250. Found I get a bit bloated and lots of pimples, so swapped to test E.
10 August started Test E, 500 IU a week and Deca 400 IU a week given split over two shots Mon and Thurs. 10 Sept started running Arimadex at .5 every other day as my boys shrunk into my stomach and my nipples were starting to ache at night.
The reason I made these decisions was, I have had my children I am fit and healthy and I want to look my best into my later years. I am in no rush to be the biggest. My joints were hurting shoulders on presses, knee's. elbows etc. Since running test and then adding the Deca I have seen relief in my joints and my lifting and strength have improved.
My intention is to run the deca as a twelve week cycle, then PCT off the Deca and Test, I was going to cruise the test, but watching your Utube advice on cruising and blasting, I agree PCT would probably be safer then reassess and decide where to go from there. I have decided however to run a cycle that I can run at a caloric deficit and try and get down to 10 to 15% body fat, then PCT and cycle around that moving forward. I believe now I started this cycle carrying too much body fat.
I know any advice you may give is not written in stone and we are all different and I have to run bloods to be sure of what is happening. Sadly I live in Australia the biggest Nanna state in the world. My Dr assisted me finding a good level for the Test but drew the line when I walked in asking him to monitor my Anabolic use. And demanding blood work for what I need in his words would draw the attention of the Australian Medical Association and probably get him in trouble.
That said taking my age and size into consideration. What do you recommend to PCT with and how long should I break? And what do you recommend as a second cycle to maintain as much mass and gains as I can while cutting on a caloric deficit?
Thanks in advance, Kindest Regards,
Love your utube content and find your information an excellent point of reference for guidance in making better decisions, on my journey into anabolics.
I have watched your video's on PCT and second cycle choices, I have a bit of a different situation to most which I will quickly outline to you now.
Age 51.
Height 6.2' Weight 102 kg Fat percentage 22.
Resistance training 2 years straight, lifetime on and off, ex military. Injuries L4 bulging disc, osteo arthritis in L Knee and hip.
Running Test since Jan 19 250 IU every 10 days. Was running sust 250. Found I get a bit bloated and lots of pimples, so swapped to test E.
10 August started Test E, 500 IU a week and Deca 400 IU a week given split over two shots Mon and Thurs. 10 Sept started running Arimadex at .5 every other day as my boys shrunk into my stomach and my nipples were starting to ache at night.
The reason I made these decisions was, I have had my children I am fit and healthy and I want to look my best into my later years. I am in no rush to be the biggest. My joints were hurting shoulders on presses, knee's. elbows etc. Since running test and then adding the Deca I have seen relief in my joints and my lifting and strength have improved.
My intention is to run the deca as a twelve week cycle, then PCT off the Deca and Test, I was going to cruise the test, but watching your Utube advice on cruising and blasting, I agree PCT would probably be safer then reassess and decide where to go from there. I have decided however to run a cycle that I can run at a caloric deficit and try and get down to 10 to 15% body fat, then PCT and cycle around that moving forward. I believe now I started this cycle carrying too much body fat.
I know any advice you may give is not written in stone and we are all different and I have to run bloods to be sure of what is happening. Sadly I live in Australia the biggest Nanna state in the world. My Dr assisted me finding a good level for the Test but drew the line when I walked in asking him to monitor my Anabolic use. And demanding blood work for what I need in his words would draw the attention of the Australian Medical Association and probably get him in trouble.
That said taking my age and size into consideration. What do you recommend to PCT with and how long should I break? And what do you recommend as a second cycle to maintain as much mass and gains as I can while cutting on a caloric deficit?
Thanks in advance, Kindest Regards,