
Advice on 1st cycle


New member
Hi everyone,

I was hoping to get some solid advice regarding my potential 1st cycle - for context I am 34M, 170 and 72-73kgs. I have been diagnosed with low T, did the test when I was contemplating hoping on a cycle:

#### Endocrinology - Androgen Studies:
- **Serum Testosterone:** 9.0 nmol/L (Normal range: 8.6-29.0 nmol/L

I have been on HCG injections 3x a week for about 3 months now as per Doc's advice.

After reading about sarms a lot online, seems like there's contradicting advices which I find to be very confusing. As for my goals I think I have decent muscle mass but would wanna shred a lot more fat especially around my tummy and love handles 😅 Osta was my go to, but seems like a lot of people are saying RAD or LGD would be better. Basically to have a more lean and dense in terms of muscle definition. Any advice whatsoever would be greatly appreciated 🙏
Not trying to be a smartass, srs, but your diet is going to play a much bigger role in reducing BF than any chemical. Learn about TDEE, surplus, deficit etc...and you'll be way ahead of the game.
Not trying to be a smartass, srs, but your diet is going to play a much bigger role in reducing BF than any chemical. Learn about TDEE, surplus, deficit etc...and you'll be way ahead of the game.
Yes true, I'd like to put on more muscle mass anyway but somehow I do feel like with low T it doesn't help my plan of getting rid of that belly fat 😅 and in terms of strength I'm pretty much at a plateau now - when I increase weight my form sucks so I've been trying supersets and dropsets into my workouts.
the fact your doctor put you on hcg for low testosterone says a lot about the lack of any sort of understanding etc... where is your doctor located?
GW is going to be great for helping get rid of that bit of belly fat. I would focus on that first and once you lean out more, look to run something else to help add lean mass.
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