
Advice about my 3rd cycle


New member
Sir love n respect form india
I m a 18 year old boy 6feet height 67kg weight
I had 2 cycles in past
1st cycle of test cyp only
2nd cycle of test prop and equipose
I wanna run my 3rd cycle in INDIA gym trainers are not that much educated
So please suggest me a cycle stack..... With Mg per week n how long i have to run it
I would like to run equpoise again i like it n last tym i rat it for 8 week only....
Suggest me...... I m giving you my picture or my recent condition of body for an idea
Are you kidding right now man 18 and 2 cycles done already wow way to screw yourself in the long run man you are way to young to even be considering steroid use and you suposably have already done it twice? NO ONE HERE WILL ADVISE YOU on making any more huge life mistakes.
yeah right... if you paid me a fucking million dollars i would not advise steroid use to you... enjoy it now because you have set yourself up a path for the worst life possible as you get older... and trust me, it wont be pretty whatsoever... you might think your doing something now but wait, because you are going to be a fucking wreck by the time your 30
You're gonna screw yourself up for life. I cringe every time I read shit like this because I have a teenage son now. I don't recommend any AAS to anyone under 30 years old.
I'm not sure what you're thinking, but you have absolutely no business taking steroids at your age. There are issues with your devloping endocrine system that you don't want to go messing with, as this can cause long term complications for you that are irreversible. We cannot and will not advise steroid use to anyone underage here.
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