Hi all,
I was just looking for advanced user opinions/advice on what my upcoming year is going to look like. I do welcome any opinions, but am pre-warning that there is insulin involved for those of us who are triggered by the word . I know many of the guys on here are very against, however, I respectfully ask that you refrain from trying to dissuade me from use. I've used it safely over last summer and enjoyed the results.
Current stats:
235lbs (lost about 10lbs over holidays, went home to see family and ate half of what I usually do for a couple weeks...)
9-12% BF
Current goals:
Basically want to start competing again. Plan is looking for card summer-winter 2018.
Here's what the year looks like compound wise:
HGH (PL Generic, hoping to have funds to move to pharma starting 2018)
IGF-1LR3 (muscle chemistry)
Test cyp (BGS)
Test E (BGS)
HCG (pharma)
Clomid (pharma)
Aromasin (pharma)
T4 (pharma)
HGH protocol:
Currently at 2ius in the morning. Been on it for almost 3 weeks. Will move to 4ius at end of week 4 (split dose), and basically ramping up 2ius every 3 months until I reach a total of 10ius ED. Will be taking 100mcg t4 every morning along with hgh.
Taking 60mcg bi-laterally post workout on workout days and 60mcg sub-q in the morning on non-workout days. will start use when HGH is ramped to 4ius and run 5 weeks on, 5 weeks off.
Starting back at 10ius 30 minutes preworkout and ramping slowly to 15ius where I will cap. Will start and follow along with IGF-1 protocol for time on and time off. I have a solid shake protocol I have used in the past and will share if asked for.
AAS cruise (starting next week, coming off 650mg deca, 1000mg test e):
Test Cyp 500mg EW, EQ 600mg EW. Will run aromasin IF needed. I tend to do fine without it at that dose. A clomid/HCG blast will also be implicated at the beginning and end of cruise. Cruise time is just 8 weeks (was thinking of ramping to 12).
AAS blast:
1000mg test E EW, 1200mg EQ EW. Will take 12.5mg of aromasin EOD. Blast is going to last 16 weeks, then repeat cruise protocol.
I can share training protocols, diet plans, regular supplement protocols, precautionary measures for BP, ect. if wanted. Just didn't want to write a novel..... Also, I will not be using any orals as far as AAS goes during this time. Will start again when I choose a show and start prepping.
I generally do not post stuff like this or just outright ask for cycle help because I do a lot of research, but just thought I'd reach in for opinions.
I was just looking for advanced user opinions/advice on what my upcoming year is going to look like. I do welcome any opinions, but am pre-warning that there is insulin involved for those of us who are triggered by the word . I know many of the guys on here are very against, however, I respectfully ask that you refrain from trying to dissuade me from use. I've used it safely over last summer and enjoyed the results.
Current stats:
235lbs (lost about 10lbs over holidays, went home to see family and ate half of what I usually do for a couple weeks...)
9-12% BF
Current goals:
Basically want to start competing again. Plan is looking for card summer-winter 2018.
Here's what the year looks like compound wise:
HGH (PL Generic, hoping to have funds to move to pharma starting 2018)
IGF-1LR3 (muscle chemistry)
Test cyp (BGS)
Test E (BGS)
HCG (pharma)
Clomid (pharma)
Aromasin (pharma)
T4 (pharma)
HGH protocol:
Currently at 2ius in the morning. Been on it for almost 3 weeks. Will move to 4ius at end of week 4 (split dose), and basically ramping up 2ius every 3 months until I reach a total of 10ius ED. Will be taking 100mcg t4 every morning along with hgh.
Taking 60mcg bi-laterally post workout on workout days and 60mcg sub-q in the morning on non-workout days. will start use when HGH is ramped to 4ius and run 5 weeks on, 5 weeks off.
Starting back at 10ius 30 minutes preworkout and ramping slowly to 15ius where I will cap. Will start and follow along with IGF-1 protocol for time on and time off. I have a solid shake protocol I have used in the past and will share if asked for.
AAS cruise (starting next week, coming off 650mg deca, 1000mg test e):
Test Cyp 500mg EW, EQ 600mg EW. Will run aromasin IF needed. I tend to do fine without it at that dose. A clomid/HCG blast will also be implicated at the beginning and end of cruise. Cruise time is just 8 weeks (was thinking of ramping to 12).
AAS blast:
1000mg test E EW, 1200mg EQ EW. Will take 12.5mg of aromasin EOD. Blast is going to last 16 weeks, then repeat cruise protocol.
I can share training protocols, diet plans, regular supplement protocols, precautionary measures for BP, ect. if wanted. Just didn't want to write a novel..... Also, I will not be using any orals as far as AAS goes during this time. Will start again when I choose a show and start prepping.
I generally do not post stuff like this or just outright ask for cycle help because I do a lot of research, but just thought I'd reach in for opinions.