You let dudes wash your back? Didn't think so. Here's my thoughts on 2016 and gender specificity... nobody really gives a fuck who you date, or fuck, or marry. There are folks that put their personal business out there on front street to say 'look at me'... nobody gives a fuck, they aren't shit to anyone except the people that love them, I don't go around advertising who or what I fuck, or who I am married to. That's a personal matter, if it wasn't the government would have us where shirts with the info all over it to be seen publicly. Consideration of others is a two way street, you can't force anything on anyone. If you walk down the street holding someones hand regardless of gender, who cares??? That's your/their business, just understand that just as interracial couples get looks, or same sex couples get looks in the great scheme of things it doesn't matter. Like I tell my kids, nobody can piss you off but yourself and if you lash out... you might get pissed on. I gives zero fucks who someone dates, or likes... if my saying 'chick to wash your back' offends someone perhaps they're trying too hard. I know you mean nothing by it, but if a dude is fucking a dude or a woman sleeps with women who cares??? That's their business, if a guy walks up to me and says 'you have a great body' I'm gonna ask "What do you mean? Aesthetically?" and if they said they find me attractive then I'd simply say "I am, thanks but I'm straight and married". If they left it alone cool, if they spoke to me like I was a 'slut' and said 'you'll never know till you try it' then I'll adamantly let them know I have zero interest in them. If they persist, then we might have issue because I clearly stated that I am heterosexual and have zero interest in men, but they persisted disrespectfully. We worry too much about peoples feelings and our own... we're fucking people. We used to pride ourselves on being resilient, now we pride ourselves on being whiny lil bitches who want the world to suck our ass because nobody else matters. Selfish pussies is what we are now...
This will be deleted by lunchtime I'm sure despite my stating nothing offensive, but someone will find fault in it and their pussy will get bruised and they'll run to RR, or Dylan and cry I know it. Fuck it I said it... if you are whatever way, color, religion, or whatever... who cares??? Just exist and excel on this planet. Ban my black/asian ass and accuse me of being prejudiced while I sit here eating fried chicken and won ton soup with chopsticks fattening up a dog for dinner tonight while drinking a 40oz. complaining about 'the man' lol...