
Ab cramps help!


Hey just wondering if anyone has a solution to abs cramping up when doing them... I use to be able to do crazy amount of ab workouts.. Then a few months ago one day all of my abs cramped at once it scared the shit out of me the pain.. I don't think I was on any sarm cycle maybe the super stack but honestly can't remember since then I haven't really touched abs everytime I try I feel a little cramp and instantly stop... Right now I'm on the shred stack about 4 weeks in and went to them today in hopes of improving how they look with the stack.. Unfortunately few leg lifts in very low volume no weight my lower abs cramped... I'm drinking more than enough water.. I had two bananas and two meals before the gym. Idk what it could be I even drink water with aminos working out.. I just wanna do abs again! Hope someone has a solution or anything to help thanks!
Hey just wondering if anyone has a solution to abs cramping up when doing them... I use to be able to do crazy amount of ab workouts.. Then a few months ago one day all of my abs cramped at once it scared the shit out of me the pain.. I don't think I was on any sarm cycle maybe the super stack but honestly can't remember since then I haven't really touched abs everytime I try I feel a little cramp and instantly stop... Right now I'm on the shred stack about 4 weeks in and went to them today in hopes of improving how they look with the stack.. Unfortunately few leg lifts in very low volume no weight my lower abs cramped... I'm drinking more than enough water.. I had two bananas and two meals before the gym. Idk what it could be I even drink water with aminos working out.. I just wanna do abs again! Hope someone has a solution or anything to help thanks!

you clearly are contracting too hard when your doing abs... there's nothing else that would be causing any of that in terms of cramping... you may be squeezing far too hard...

you should absolutely be working abs as you are but understand that is NOT what gives you definition nor a six pack, not at all... your training a muscle that will allow it to grow but cardio and eating properly is what ultimately cuts you up, just so your aware... a million sit ups is not going to do anything for definition but it will help your abdominal muscles grow...

something your doing is causing this though... it has nothing to do with sarms whatsoever..

Muscle cramps in the abdominal region usually occur in the area around or just below the rib cage, but they can happen anywhere in the abdominal region. The stomach muscles are particularly prone to cramping because they are so short, and they tend to stay contracted after vigorous activity. The pain from abdominal muscle cramps can be quite severe in some cases. Experts are not sure what causes muscle cramps, but conditions such as dehydration, electrolyte deficiencies, eating too soon before you work out and muscle fatigue play a part. If you suspect a muscle cramp, stop doing situps and massage the affected area until the cramp goes away. Gently stretching the abdominal muscles can also help. To prevent muscle cramps, eat a smaller meal no fewer than two to four hours before performing situps, and stay properly hydrated. Drink only a few cups of water right before exercise, however, to avoid having too much liquid in your intestines; excess liquid has the same effect as too much food and can lead to cramps. Drinking a beverage with added electrolytes can help, but avoid beverages with a lot of sugar and salt before your work out because they increase the likelihood of getting abdominal cramps. Avoid performing situps if your muscles are sore or fatigued.
Well thank you for the advice I actually don't squeeze hard at all but all of that makes sense.. I'll take it easy on them I never did a million sit-ups I'd just do a few workouts and i know diet and cardio is what shows them the best thanks for the help. Going to keep all this in consideration when attempting again.
Well thank you for the advice I actually don't squeeze hard at all but all of that makes sense.. I'll take it easy on them I never did a million sit-ups I'd just do a few workouts and i know diet and cardio is what shows them the best thanks for the help. Going to keep all this in consideration when attempting again.

hopefully that helped brother...
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