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AAS Abuse in young adults: lessons from the GDR


Background: the GDR (German Democratic Republic) has sanctioned AAS (Anabolic, Androgenic Steroids) administration to young athletes between 1966-1974 in an attempt to attain world class recognition in athleticism over the Russians (during which time were also professionally doping athletes of their own to win medals); Research information released after the fall of the GDR in 1990 disclosed many classified statistically analyzed information that gives us a rare sneak peak as for some of the experienced side effects these poor athletes have been documented to experience.

Approved by Dylan, I sought out to bring a humble summary of lessons past. Should anyone doubt the origin, value, and statistical viability of the information brought to light, please see references in the very next post. This is a translated and analyzed oversimplification of the data recovered from handwritten protocol books of the Chief Physician of the GDR Manford Höppner revealed in 1990, as well as other documents.

Disclaimer: I am not a bodybuilder. I have no hands on experience with the use of AAS. I work in the medical field as a medical student and a researcher. I teach Biochemistry, Genetics, Immunology, Pathology, Physiology, Endocrinology and Cardiology, as well as having done research on cellular models in molecular biology.

I have oped to focus on one particular analysis of doping administered to 191 male and 174 female athletes; Most 20-26 years of age – competing in jumping, running and decathlon events. These are top of the line athletes pre chosen based on previous parameters to participate in this endeavour, including but not limited to screening based on: body fat percentage, max VO2 (A measure of the maximum volume of oxygen that an athlete can use) and pre doping best event times in their respective fields.

*A non collaborated source present within the same notes recovered as well, described that athletes presenting with early symptoms of AAS sensitivity (gynaecomastia, dermatitis and libido issue) were dismissed. Therefor the side effects described here were documented in the athletes who were best responding to drugs and in the best physical condition. Thus, quite possibly, these are the side effects documented in the athletes least likely to develop them.

Side effects documented: These side effects were mainly associated with the post competitive period of these pro athletes. That is to say, this is the baggage they were left with after they were done being “guinea pigs”. Some of these appeared within a year, some later. 38% of athletes sustained these and other complications indefinitely (i.e. Until the research was finally halted)

- 44 male and 40 female athletes developed long standing record high weight gain
- 26 females experienced increased menstruation or lack of menstruation, rendering them transiently or permanently infertile
- 20 males and 17 females experience abnormal growth of facial hair and acne
- 15 males and 14 females experienced decreased libido associated with reduced sexual potency, drive, and reduced fertility
- 10% experienced long lasting psychological symptoms of low threshold trigger rage, psychosocial dissociation and libido dissociation
- Additional problems specific to female athletes were noted: permanent deepening of the voice, permanent hair growth on the inner thighs and navel as well as gynaecological disorders
- Additional problems specific to males were noted: impotency of various levels nonresponsive to medication, depression and sexual detachment as well as a significant rate of long lasting gynaecomastia.
22 athletes in the ages of 15-16 (yes, you read correctly) developed life long growth arrest and infertility.

Researchers had also documented that some athletes that had underwent AAS administration had to be hospitalized following relatively small volume consumption of alcohol resulting in severe hepatomegaly (liver enlargement), hepatitis and biliary blockage. It was noted that these occurred in athletes that were administered AAS in the ages of 19-21 almost exclusively and not seen above the age of 26. That lead physicians to speculate that early administration of AAS permanently sensitizes the liver to alcohol induce damage by unknown mechanisms. One weightlifter by the name of Detlef Gerstenberg died soon after such a complication following alcohol consumption, reportedly almost a year after his last AAS administration.

I had omitted the dosage of the compounds, since the protocols are elaborate and were mainly documented according to various dosing grades in a per year/mg basis, but here are some of the compounds, used both on males and females, all of which were pharmaceutical, human-grade compounds, administered by physicians:

- Oral: Turinabol, Mestanolone, Dianabol
- Injectables: Testosterone propionate, Testosterone Enanthate, Turinabol (Nandrolone phenylpropionate, Durabolin), hCG,
- Nasal spray: Androstendione

Protocols are complex, but the baseline was administering one testosterone compound as a base substance accompanied by one other oral or injectable, only. Each athlete had one “cycle” that only ended after their carrier had peaked and were retired, or once life threatening cardiovascular symptoms developed.

Another interesting variable noted, is that the side effects mainly took hold of the athlete only after the AAS administration had ceased. It was also noted that the longer an athlete was on AAS continually, the harsher the side effects documented were.

I'd like to thank Dylan for welcoming an academic spin on athleticism, in the context of AAS.

References can be found in the next post (for sake of simplicity)
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(1) - Bagatelli CJ, Bremner WJ. Androgens in men—uses and abuses. N Engl J Med 1996;334:707-714. (2) - *Schäker W. Verbesserung des zentralnervalen und neuromuskulären Funktionsniveaus sowie sportartspezifischer Leistungen durch Oxytozin. Dissertation B [Dr. sci. nat. thesis]. Greifswald, GDR: Faculty for military medicine. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University, 1980:233pp. [from 1981 on, stored as classified material at Bad Saarow, Military Medical Academy].. (3)- *Riedel H. Zur Wirkung anaboler Steroide auf die sportliche Leistungsentwicklung in den leichtathletischen Sprungdisziplinen. Dissertation B [Dr. sci. nat. thesis]. Bad Saarow, GDR: Military Medical Academy, 1986:208pp.. (4) - *Rademacher G. Wirkungsvergleich verschiedener anaboler Steroide im Tiermodell und auf ausgewählte Funktionssysteme von Leistungssportlern und Nachweis der Praxisrelevanz der theorctischen und experimentellen Folgerungen. Dissertation B [Dr. sci. med. thesis]. Bad Saarow, GDR: Military Medical Academy, 1989:236pp..(5) - Dickman S. East Germany: science in the disservice of the state. Science 1991;254:26(6) - Berendonk B. Doping Dokumente. Von der Forschung zum Betrug. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1991:492pp..(7) - Berendonk B. Doping. Von der Forschung zum Betrug. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuchverlag, 1992:448pp..(8) - Franke WW. Funktion und Instrumentalisierung des Sports in der DDR: Pharmakologische Manipulationen (Doping) und die Rolle der Wissenschaft. In: Deutscher Bundestag [German Parliament], ed. Report of the Enquete Commission, Aufarbeitung von Geschichtc und Folgen der SED-Diktatur in Deutschland. Vol. III/2, 1995:905–1142..(9) - *Bauersfeld K-H, Olek J, Meißner H, Hannemann D, Spenke J. Analyse des Einsatzes u. M. in den leichtathletischen Wurf-/Stoß-disziplinen und Versuch trainingsmethodischer Abteilungen und Verallgemeinerungen [Scientific Report. German Athletic Association (DVfL) of the GDR]. Science Center of the DVfL. 1973:41pp..(10) - *Clausnitzer C, Höppner M, Häcker R. Zum Verhalten des Testosteron/Epitestosteron-Quotionten bei unterschiedlicher exogener Beeinflussung [Research Report]. Leipzig: FKS, 1982:9pp..(11) - Ferkl Th. Zu ausgewählten Wechselbeziehungen von Training, Einsatz unterstützender Mittel und effektiver Leistungsentwicklung im leichtathletischen Mittel-, Langstrecken-, und Marathonlauf [Ph.D. thesis]. Leipzig: FKS, 1988:172pp..(12) - *Gedrat H-J. Untersuchungen zur wirksameren Einordnung der anabolen Steroide in den Trainingsprozeß von Rennkanuten, Ergebnisbericht. In: Schäker W. ed. Report of scientific colloquium, Zusätzliche Leistungsreserven [Additional reserves in high-performance sports], Part I. Leipzig: FKS, 1981:7–19.. (13) - *Gedrat H-J. Die Erhöhung der Wirksamkeit des Trainingsprozesses durch eine zielgerichtete Einordnung unterstützender Mittel [Ph.D. thesis]. Leipzig: FKS, 1982:116pp.. (14) - *Gedrat H-J, Gürtler H, Häcker R, Langer H, Lathan H-H, Lehnert A, et al. Zur Anwendung von unterstützenden Mitteln im Trainingsprozeß sowie bei der Vorbereitung von Wettkämpfen (Materialien für die Weiterbildung von Ärzten und Trainern) [Instruction Report]. Leipzig: FKS, 1982:56pp.. (15) - *Hinz L. Zu ausgewählten Problemen der Erstanwendung anaboler Steroide zur Unterstützung der Trainings- und Leistungsentwicklung in den Wurf-/Stoßdisziplinen der Leichtathletik. In: Schäker W, ed. Report of scientific colloquium, Zusätzliche Leistungsreserven [Additional reserves in high-performance sports], Part I. Leipzig: FKS, 1981:20–35.. (16) - *Hinz L. Trainingsmethodische Aspekte der Integration ausgewählter unterstüzender Mittel in den Prozeß der Entwicklung von Weltspitzenleistungen in den Wurf-/Stoßdisziplinen der Leichtathletik [Dr. sci. nat. thesis] Leipzig: Deutsche Hochschule für Körperkultur (DHfK), 1985:181pp.. (17) - *Hinz L, Höppner M, Kuppardt H. Zur Überbrückung des freien Intervalls der Vorbereitung auf Wettkampfhöhepunkte in den Wurf-/Stoßdisziplinen der Leichtathletik [Scientific Report, presented at Conference on Results, Dec. 7, 1983]. Leipzig: FKS, 1983:20–35.. (18) - *Hinz L, Kuppardt H-J, Reumuth V. Analyse der Wechselbeziehungen von Training, u. M. und Leistungsentwicklung in den leichtathletischen Wurf-/Stoßdisziplinen im Olympiazyklus 1980/84 [Scientific Report]. Leipzig: FKS, 1986:64pp.. (19) - *Hobe G. Untersuchungen zur Pharmakokinetik und Biotransformation von Oral-Turinabol im Vergleich zur Substanz XII und STS 646 beim Menschen, Abschlußbericht [Final Report]. Jena: ZIMET, 1988:36pp.. (20) - Holzschuh C. Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von Lysin-Vasopressin (LVP) auf operationelle Leistungen in psycho-physiologischen Experimenten mit visuell-kognitiven, konzentrativen und emotionalen Belastungen, Dissertation A [MD thesis]. Bad Saarow, GDR: Military Medical Academy, 1989:174pp.. (21) - *Israel S. Unterstützende Maßnahmen im Sport. Erkenntnistheoretische, methodologische, ethische und rechtliche Aspekte aus ärztilicher Sicht [Report]. Leipzig: FKS, 1979:97pp.. (22) - *Langer H, Gürtler H. Die Anwendung von Clomiphencitrat zur Verbesserung anaboler Zustandsvoraussetzungen im Rudern. In: Schäker W, ed. Report of scientific colloquium, Zusätzliche Leistungsreserven [Additional reserves in high-performance sports]. Part 1, Leipzig: FKS 1981:80–9.. (23) - *Langer H, Gürtler H. Zur Anwendung u. M. in der Olympiavorbereitung männlicher Leistungsruderer im Jahr 1980. In: Schäker W, ed. Reports of Colloquium, Androgene und synthetische Steroide im Prozcß der sportlichen Leistungsentwicklung. Leipzig: FKS, 1981:1–8 and Figs. 1–8.. (24) - *Lathan H-H. Einschätzung der Wirksamkeit der Anwendungskonzeption “unterstützende Mittel” im Trainingsjahr 1979/80 im Verband. In: Schäker W, ed. Reports on Colloquium, Androgene und synthetische Steroide im Prozeß der sportlichen Leistungsentwicklung. Leipzig: FKS, 1981:30–8.. (25) - *Lathan H-H, Kämpfe U. Bericht über eine Doppel-Blind-Studie zur Wirkung anaboler Steroide auf die körperliche und sportliche Entwicklung retardierter und akzelerierter Nachwuchsgewichtheber. In: Schäker W, ed. Report of scientific colloquium, Zusätzliche Leistungsreserven [Additional reserves in high-performance sports]. Part 1. Leipzig: FKS, 1981:36–79..
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Well one thing that went wrong in what germany as doing is doping athletes way to young while their hormones were still raging and forming their bodies!! I never recommend any one do this! You are guaranteed to really screw yourself up for good!

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.
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This makes me wonder about the long term side effects of administering hormone replacement therapy to children and young adults.
And that ladies and gentlemen is why everyone here will not promote, support, or encourage AAS use under the age of 25.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
And that ladies and gentlemen is why everyone here will not promote, support, or encourage AAS use under the age of 25.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

Yes, a lot of the younger crowd doesn't even realize the negative implications that cycling at their age can cause
Yes, a lot of the younger crowd doesn't even realize the negative implications that cycling at their age can cause
I know people will do what they want to do anyway for the most part but the biggest problem I have is people putting these things in their body without proper knowledge or any beforehand research. Im always amazed when some new guy creates a thread and says "hey I'm 3 weeks in, my friend gave me xxx, is this right?" And its obvious they have no idea what theyre doing. Understanding the risks, whats these compounds do, and the proper way to do this is so important and thats bare minimum.

Sent from my SM-G900P
These substances can go so incredibly right or so amazingly fucking wrong. It really makes me appreciate this site
And that ladies and gentlemen is why everyone here will not promote, support, or encourage AAS use under the age of 25.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

Amen bodean30!!!! Only AFTER your body has formed and your hormonal patrerns have been set should anyone do aas!!!

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.
These substances can go so incredibly right or so amazingly fucking wrong. It really makes me appreciate this site

Me too! Thx bro's! And Dylan!

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.
Well one thing that went wrong in what germany as doing is doping athletes way to young while their hormones were still raging and forming their bodies!! I never recommend any one do this! You are guaranteed to really screw yourself up for good!

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.

thats the whole point of showing the article man... to show how bad this is...
And that ladies and gentlemen is why everyone here will not promote, support, or encourage AAS use under the age of 25.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

enough said right? if that doesn't open some eyes then i dont know what else to say...
These substances can go so incredibly right or so amazingly fucking wrong. It really makes me appreciate this site

trust me bro, i am always on a mission to teach how to do this in the safest way and to save as many lives as possible...
I just want to give a BIG shout out to Blue Shine... he went through a lot of effort to get this study ready for everyone... he came to me to discuss it, which was very much appreciated and i know what he had to go through to get it done for everyone... he's busting ass to get as many studies and facts that are going to benefit all of us so MUCH appreciated bro!
I just want to give a BIG shout out to Blue Shine... he went through a lot of effort to get this study ready for everyone... he came to me to discuss it, which was very much appreciated and i know what he had to go through to get it done for everyone... he's busting ass to get as many studies and facts that are going to benefit all of us so MUCH appreciated bro!

Absolutely. It's an incredibly valuable resource to have this kind of info available to us, and it's very much appreciated!

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I just want to give a BIG shout out to Blue Shine... he went through a lot of effort to get this study ready for everyone... he came to me to discuss it, which was very much appreciated and i know what he had to go through to get it done for everyone... he's busting ass to get as many studies and facts that are going to benefit all of us so MUCH appreciated bro!

Thanks, boys! :)
This is a much appreciated article. Sticky Point, maybe a forum article? The direction this forum is going is flat out amazing. Information is coming more refined, sophisticated, and relevant as time goes by. Blue Shine, keep those articles coming, your time and is most welcomed.
This is a much appreciated article. Sticky Point, maybe a forum article? The direction this forum is going is flat out amazing. Information is coming more refined, sophisticated, and relevant as time goes by. Blue Shine, keep those articles coming, your time and is most welcomed.

i agree bro and that's what we are after, the deep truth behind things... these are WELL put together studies without motives... you can clearly see that.. they are very intricate etc. but it all depends on who is conducting the studies, the control groups selected etc... this particular study is clearly done with precision and had deep thought and consistency put into it...
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