
A Truly Interesting Theory

Follow me on The Gram -- @justjaredd

My aversion from this type of administration would be the dose dependent effect on the prostate:

The prostate has a low density of Androgen receptors in its epithelial cells. Genetic variation between individuals determines how densely populated those receptors are. If there are a lot of them, you will be more susceptible to develop a prostatic enlargement using anabolics.
However, in most adult males there are very few receptors compared to the active muscle tissues, so if you use, let's say a gram a week of Testosterone compound, the test would mostly saturate the muscle tissue receptors, with minimal overflow to stimulate the prostate. You will stimulate the cells in the prostate to grow, but there is also a constant rate of turnover, some cells die while others proliferate, which is somewhat balanced in an average individual on Testosterone, not mentioning that most of the compound is uptaken by active muscle tissue with minimal overflow.

The thing is, that with such a supra physiological amount, the idea Dan Duchaine had was to deliberately saturate the muscle tissue binding sites for the Testosterone causing a great deal of "overflow" - I can't help but assume that even if you have a very low Androgen receptor density in your prostate cells, there would be a major shift towards stimulating and proliferation of those cells. Which means that with age it's likely that these doses would result in some form of enlargement.

Thing is, one would only know it around their 50s or 60s...

Just a thought. I wonder how many users of such doses reached their 50s-60s and have something to say about it.

p.s. If there's a debate regarding the info in my post I can support it with citations.
you're one of the few who speaks like this. luckily, i've taken a few A&P classes and know exactly what you're talking about! thank you for mentioning the citations too, you never see that nowadays. this topic isn't something i'm looking to explore. really just looking to see what people think about it! science always wins [emoji1320]

Follow me on The Gram -- @justjaredd
you're one of the few who speaks like this. luckily, i've taken a few A&P classes and know exactly what you're talking about! thank you for mentioning the citations too, you never see that nowadays. this topic isn't something i'm looking to explore. really just looking to see what people think about it! science always wins [emoji1320]
Follow me on The Gram -- @justjaredd

Yeah budd, that's definitely an interesting inference they have there, and Dan Duchaine ain't no bullshitter, either. I wish there was a way to explore the possible effects such doses would have, but there's no pharma company that would invest $$$ in such a research! :)
science doesn't always win... you can defy science, trust me... does it often hold true, absolutely, and is it great to see that insightful side, absolutely, but to say it always wins, absolutely not true...
science doesn't always win... you can defy science, trust me... does it often hold true, absolutely, and is it great to see that insightful side, absolutely, but to say it always wins, absolutely not true...

Science is a good way to complement experience, but not replace it. Plus, science is not a knowing process, it's a learning process.
Science is a good way to complement experience, but not replace it. Plus, science is not a knowing process, it's a learning process.

absolutely right... its a basis, a theory and often times a fact but definitely not 100% of the time and science gets disproven or at least modified often....
Refreshing outlook, currently running high dose cycle and tapering down as the effect I wanted has been achieved (bigger/leaner) on test/eq/deca. I don't recommend such doses without being highly in tune with your body and only maybe 1x a year if that, preferably 1x every 2-3 years. I love the Philippines... juicy girls a plenty. Nothing like stretching your dollar and some other things lol...
My aversion from this type of administration would be the dose dependent effect on the prostate:

The prostate has a low density of Androgen receptors in its epithelial cells. Genetic variation between individuals determines how densely populated those receptors are. If there are a lot of them, you will be more susceptible to develop a prostatic enlargement using anabolics.
However, in most adult males there are very few receptors compared to the active muscle tissues, so if you use, let's say a gram a week of Testosterone compound, the test would mostly saturate the muscle tissue receptors, with minimal overflow to stimulate the prostate. You will stimulate the cells in the prostate to grow, but there is also a constant rate of turnover, some cells die while others proliferate, which is somewhat balanced in an average individual on Testosterone, not mentioning that most of the compound is uptaken by active muscle tissue with minimal overflow.

The thing is, that with such a supra physiological amount, the idea Dan Duchaine had was to deliberately saturate the muscle tissue binding sites for the Testosterone causing a great deal of "overflow" - I can't help but assume that even if you have a very low Androgen receptor density in your prostate cells, there would be a major shift towards stimulating and proliferation of those cells. Which means that with age it's likely that these doses would result in some form of enlargement.

Thing is, one would only know it around their 50s or 60s...

Just a thought. I wonder how many users of such doses reached their 50s-60s and have something to say about it.

p.s. If there's a debate regarding the info in my post I can support it with citations.

Was it you that posted the explanation of tren insomnia too? I'm gonna have to pick your brain sometime on some things.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Was it you that posted the explanation of tren insomnia too? I'm gonna have to pick your brain sometime on some things.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah that would be me, I'd be happy to help with anything, but know I'm weak on hands on experience with AAS :) I've got great fucking game in biology, though ;)
science doesn't always win... you can defy science, trust me... does it often hold true, absolutely, and is it great to see that insightful side, absolutely, but to say it always wins, absolutely not true...
Agreed completely. There's a lot of science guys out there, and I don't care what statistics and "facts" they throw up cannot dispute real world results and experiences that sometimes will defy and counter those facts

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Agreed completely. There's a lot of science guys out there, and I don't care what statistics and "facts" they throw up cannot dispute real world results and experiences that sometimes will defy and counter those facts

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

exactly and it happens often when people do or accomplish something that does not coincide with the "scientific theory"
exactly and it happens often when people do or accomplish something that does not coincide with the "scientific theory"

absolutely man, i cant stand when "science" is given some type of pedestal so it can defy logic, reason, and experience. alot of the studies or theories have major flaws and are biased anyways..
absolutely man, i cant stand when "science" is given some type of pedestal so it can defy logic, reason, and experience. alot of the studies or theories have major flaws and are biased anyways..

trust me, i know... i get the stupidest comments at times etc. about shit like this and it once again shows that people are SMALL minded and have no grasp on the real world... the reality of how things truly are...
fuck , do athletes not defy science daily???? that's just a small example but come on, some of things you see athletes do completely defy science... explanation anyone? im sure some science prick would try to justify this and that but im sorry, you can take that shit, stuff it in your lab coat and get the fuck out because while science is VERY VERY helpful, its not EVER 100% period
Look, guys, I don't mean to get involved with your festivities of demonizing science, but I will make a remark.

Science is not the issue. The issue is people.

The scientist involved in these researches mostly do not make sensational claims. Scientific work in itself is meaningless unless placed in the greater context of all the work done in that field.

Science and scientists also understand that some observations cannot still be fully explained via science, those observations made by athletes in the field. Science is a breathing, living organism, it adapts, and it learns. It's just another tool to understand what we see, know where to look.

A true scientific publication doesn't seek to necessarily find the answer, but to pose the next question that needs to be solved.

I'll say it again, Science is not the issue. The issue is the jackass sitting at home with his keyboard, using his illexcused non existing understanding of how to interpret scientific work - as a way to act like king shit and lay out facts that he thinks would somehow disprove people that have been in the field for decades speaking from hard earned experience. Scientists don't do that stuff, it's foolish.

But that's just one guy's opinion
Look, guys, I don't mean to get involved with your festivities of demonizing science, but I will make a remark.

Science is not the issue. The issue is people.

The scientist involved in these researches mostly do not make sensational claims. Scientific work in itself is meaningless unless placed in the greater context of all the work done in that field.

Science and scientists also understand that some observations cannot still be fully explained via science, those observations made by athletes in the field. Science is a breathing, living organism, it adapts, and it learns. It's just another tool to understand what we see, know where to look.

A true scientific publication doesn't seek to necessarily find the answer, but to pose the next question that needs to be solved.

I'll say it again, Science is not the issue. The issue is the jackass sitting at home with his keyboard, using his illexcused non existing understanding of how to interpret scientific work - as a way to act like king shit and lay out facts that he thinks would somehow disprove people that have been in the field for decades speaking from hard earned experience. Scientists don't do that stuff, it's foolish.

But that's just one guy's opinion

i absolutely agree to a point... many scientists operat this way and you are right however you do know that some are married to it and believe shit that is not reality... they rely completely on it... which is dangerous but most, in general, are very open minded, find the right solutions and can fully explain it with a clear and concise explanation... interpretations from MORON are definitely the big problem
i absolutely agree to a point... many scientists operat this way and you are right however you do know that some are married to it and believe shit that is not reality... they rely completely on it... which is dangerous but most, in general, are very open minded, find the right solutions and can fully explain it with a clear and concise explanation... interpretations from MORON are definitely the big problem

I get your frustration. Now imagine my frustration for being labeled as "science guy" like these MORONS...
I get your frustration. Now imagine my frustration for being labeled as "science guy" like these MORONS...

i can only imagine... i love science guys, that live in reality, which you clearly do... i depend on them for their experiences and often i get them coming to me to compare it with personal experiences... we should all be on the same team working together but unfortunately there are too many fucktards that think they know everything when they wouldn't know how to have sex little own how to talk and discuss science...
i can only imagine... i love science guys, that live in reality, which you clearly do... i depend on them for their experiences and often i get them coming to me to compare it with personal experiences... we should all be on the same team working together but unfortunately there are too many fucktards that think they know everything when they wouldn't know how to have sex little own how to talk and discuss science...

Well brother, it's time to change the world. I say let iSARMs lead the way ;)
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