
20ml SALE! MGP Anabolics

Thin D

Logo helix 4.jpg

I thought about a BOGO really hard, but figured I'd save it for further into the holiday seasons. This is the sale I came up with.
All my gear has minimal to no pip. So it's not gonna cripple you. No feeling like you have a lemon in your ass cheek after pinning.
You've read the talk, so now check it out for yourself. GOOD gear at a good price. No bullshit.
Sale runs from now 11/6 until 11:59pm Friday 11/11

USA Domestic Only
Payment: Bitcoin and WU (I really really prefer bitcoin) Orders only taken through [email protected]

Test e 250 20ml---$45
Test e 200 20ml---$40 (only 3, from my own stash)
Test c 200 20ml---$40 (only 2, from my own stash)
Test decanoate 250 20ml---$45
Test p 100 20ml---$35
Deca 200 20ml---$50
NPP 150 20ml---$50
Tren a 100 20ml---$50 (This batch contains 2% guaiacol)
Tren e 200 20ml---$70

Later I might add Bold cyp 150 20ml---$45
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Wow great job thin. Keep that shit up. I'll jump on this I'm thinking.

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What's the half life of decanoate? Isn't it like 15 days or around there?

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20161106_092256[1].jpg Sorry I'm so crappy at taking pics. I can't figure out how to make these pics larger for shit!
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Never seen a lot of test d by its self. Just usually e c p or a.

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I was thinking about test a, and still might do it, but I'm leaning toward test phenylprop. Hell, there ain't no law that says I can't do both.
I seem to be getting a lot of requests to order under the $150 minimum.
What do you guys think? Think the minimum should be lowered to $100? Let me know what you think about it.
I seem to be getting a lot of requests to order under the $150 minimum.
What do you guys think? Think the minimum should be lowered to $100? Let me know what you think about it.

I recommend you lower it to 50 brother, go to 100-150 once you build a nice customer base with feedback

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Just so everyone knows.....This batch of Tren a contains 2% guaiacol. Guaiacol seems to be unpopular around here, so I want potential buyers to know this before buying.
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